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Robert Faurisson The Real Dangers of Gassing Operations

Robert Faurisson The Real Dangers of Gassing Operations. Professor Robert Faurison was an brilliant, highly educated and very intelligent individual who never let up in his efforts to expose the "Holocau$t" as a lie. He was physically assaulted several times, dragged through the courts on spurious charges, fined, and harrassed in many ways. Here he explains…

Eyewitness Testimony to the Genocide of European Jewry

Inevitably when anyone questions the genocide of European Jewry, eyewitness testimony is raised as proof that the genocide happened. This article shows that the eyewitness accounts of the Holocaust story have proved to be extremely unreliable and ineffective in proving its validity. Trial Testimony John Demjanjuk, a naturalized American citizen, was accused by eyewitnesses of…

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