Year: 2012

Monumental Work Sets Record Straight on Palestine-Israel Issue

Encyclopedia of the Palestine Problem, by Issa Nakhleh. New York: Intercontinental Books, 1991. Hardcover. Two volumes (8½ × 11 inch format). 1,180 pages. Illustrations. Maps. Notes. Bibliography. Index. ISBN 096228811X. (Available from the IHR: $69, plus $5 shipping.) Robert John is a diplomatic historian and policy analyst. He is co-author of The Palestine Diary (New…

A Powerful Indictment of America’s Failed Racial Policy

Paved with Good Intentions: The Failure of Race Relations in Contemporary America, by Jared Taylor. New York: Carroll & Graf, 1992. Hardcover. 416 pages. Notes. Index. ISBN: 0-88184-866-2. (Available from the IHR for $22.95, plus $2 shipping.) Charles Stanwood is the pen name of an educator who holds a Ph.D. in History. He has taught…

Irving Conviction in Germany Upheld, Fine Tripled

David Irving has been ordered by a German court to pay 30,000 marks (about $18,000) for telling an audience that the “gas chamber” at Auschwitz shown to hundreds of thousands of tourists annually is a phony postwar reconstruction (“Attrappen”). On January 13 a Munich court rejected Irving’s appeal of a 1992 conviction, and then tripled…

Five-Story US Holocaust Museum to Open in Washington, DC

President Bill Clinton and other major political figures are expected to attend the formal dedication ceremony of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum on April 22 in Washington, DC. Journalists and television crews from across the United States and many foreign countries will also be present at the ceremony, which coincides with the 50th anniversary…

French Court Orders Heavy Penalties Against Faurisson for Holocaust Views

On December 9, 1992, the Paris Court of Appeal (Eleventh Department) rejected Professor Robert Faurisson’s appeal of an April 1991 conviction on a charge of “contesting the crimes against humanity” because of remarks about the Holocaust story he made in a magazine interview. The appeal court imposed penalties of 187,000 francs (nearly $40,000 at current…

Mithraism: Formidable Rival to Early Christianity

During the first two centuries of the Christian era, two competing religions that shared many similarities flourished in the Greco-Roman world: Christianity and Mithraism. For a time, the followers of Mithra outnumbered those of Christ, and it was not until the third century AD that Christianity clearly emerged as the dominant religion of the declining…

Roy Bullock: ADL Informant

Veteran subscribers with extraordinary memories may recognize the name of Roy Bullock from a brief item about him in the January 1987 issue of IHR Newsletter. It told readers that Bullock was a paid agent of the Zionist Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith. Bullock, the item went on, is paid to gather information for the…


Not “Multicultural,” But Accurate History In “The Challenge of Multiculturalism” (Summer 1992), Samuel [Jared] Taylor makes some interesting points, but he seems to be arguing for a history not necessarily in accord with the facts. Would it serve US history to overlook Franklin Roosevelt's provocations leading to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor? Or the…

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