Action Report no. 12
Published by Focal Point
for David Irving's world-wide legal Fighting Fund (DIFF)
Update AR #12 – July 20, 1997
Highlights of This Issue
- The Faking Goes On: Auschwitz being “Reconstructed”
- “A Radical's Diary”
- David Irving: That Swiss Gold, “You Gotta Hand it to Them.”
- When an Auschwitz “kapo” is allowed to talk to German schoolchildren.
- How Germany's “most democratic government ever” bans and burns new books.
- Holocaust historians are digging their own grave…
The Faking Goes On
Auschwitz being “Reconstructed” at Euro-taxpayer Expense
WARSAW — Agreement has been reached between the Polish government, the director of the Auschwitz state museum, the mayor of nearby Oswiecim, and Jewish organisations for the rebuilding of the crumbling Auschwitz site with the aim of avoiding further squabbles over the ideological property rights to the tragic site, and restricting the plans of local property developers.
No construction will now be allowed within five hundred yards.
One hundred million dollars are to be contributed to the site's development: fifty-seven percent will come from Poland, the balance from Jewish groups and European Union taxpayers.
The Warsaw signing was attended by David Harris, executive director of the American Jewish Committee, and Miles Lerman, chairman of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum.
The agreement asked the parties to seek a solution to outstanding questions which would “respect the sensitivities” of all parties.
Ominously hinting at yet another makeover for a site which has already been subjected to major facelifts funded by Ronald Lauder, son of cosmetics millionaire Estée Lauder, the agreement states that the new Auschwitz and Birkenau tourist complex will be linked as a single entity.
The mayor of Oswiecim welcomed the agreement, as an important boost to the town's tourist industry.
New Report on Auschwitz
Briefed by uneasy historians to look for forensic proof that Fred Leuchter and his 1989 report were wrong, in 1990 Prof Dr Jan Markiewicz, Dr Wojciecha Gubala, and other officials of the Jan Sehn Institute of Forensic Research replicated the Leuchter tests.
They submitted their findings on Aug. 24, 1990, having found only minute-to-insignificant traces of cyanide compounds in the ruins of Auschwitz where, if the legends are to be believed, there should have been massive quantities even after years of weathering. Their unhelpful report was quietly sent to the Auschwitz State Museum, date-stamped by them on Oct. 11, 1990 and discreetly filed away, unpublished.
On May 30, 1994 the institute (project head: again Prof. Markiewicz) delivered a new report revising their original study. Thus all was not lost. Last modified on Jan. 12, 1996, this new report suggests that they found traces of Zyklon B gas in “all kinds of gas-chamber ruins,” and challenges the findings by Fred Leuchter and Germar Rudolf, the expert on solid-state chemistry.
The Kraków institute (Instytut Ekspertyz Sadowych: Zaklad Toksykologii Sadowej) in Kraków, Poland (Phone: + 4812 228898; 22385) helpfully furnished a copy to the Nizkor Project, the unselfish body of zealots who crowd into a mailbox in Nanaimo, British Columbia, and are dedicated to refuting the revisionists (and to “bombing” the computer systems of anybody not agreeing with them.) Nizkor have placed the new Kraków report on the Internet under http : // www . [moved since; ed.]
Revisionist experts are analysing its content.
A Radical's Diary
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania— At my attorney's office I sign the new complaint against ExpoMart owners [who ordered my exclusion from the MAX show], claiming damages for breach of contract, tortious interference with a contract, breach of sublease, counsel fees and costs, and punitive damages.

Debating Tactics
“I am in favor of granting Irving a visa and then for all good Australians to kill him.”
Holocaust Survivor Bernard R. Ingram, Newcastle, South Wales (Letter published in the Sydney Morning Herald)
As we leave, I ask Bob Garber if he's taken any grief over his victory [in September 1996, against the same defendants] on my behalf. His face darkens and he says he's lost several friends, who can't understand why he's acting for me. He suggests I might like even now to find another lawyer; adding that he will refuse to act for me against the ADL, since he supports their activities.
At the Drawbridge hotel in Cincinnati, I run into MAX Show owner Tom Johnston. “David!”, he exclaims. “We're going to have to talk.” He seems distraught, and says as we're still standing outside in the cold that the ExpoMart's billionaire owners have made it clear that, if he lets me exhibit again in 1997, they will cancel both this MAX and all future shows.
AS I DRIVE INTO NASHVILLE Helen Dailey (of Sydneys Channel Nine television) calls from Australia to arrange for her team to film my mini-tour. I pull over and ask her to ring again in an hour's time. She finally phones while I'm having supper next door.
A phone call from Florida organisers with details of the Tampa and Tallahassee functions. Extensive advertising going on at universities and Internet; looks like they may attract some hostiles. I say there must be no Nazi flags or symbols, no wierdos. Just in case.
A phone call from Alabama, details for Sunday's meeting in Huntsville. I urge Bob to have his people on best behaviour if Channel Nine does have a camera team there.
I phone my London office at 7 A.M. (to be continued…)
Bibliographic information about this document: Focal Point, London, July 1997
Other contributors to this document: n/a
Editor’s comments: n/a