Author: Bradley R. Smith

Bradley R. Smith was born in Los Angeles on February 18, 1930. At 18 he joined the army and in 1951 served with the infantry in Korea where he was twice wounded. After three decades of a variety of professional activities, it suddenly hit him: In 1979 he read a leaflet by Professor Robert Faurisson, "The Problem of the Gas Chambers." Then, Arthur Butz’s The Hoax of the Twentieth Century did it for him. He understood from the beginning that he would address the censorship, the suppression of independent thought, the taboo against publishing and debating revisionist arguments—not the arguments themselves. That has remained his position. In 1989 Smith founded Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust (CODOH) dedicated to defending free speech and free inquiry into the Holocaust question. He handed over CODOH's helm in late 2014, but keeps contributing.

Read more about him here.

Phil Donahue Show

Bradley Smith Interview, Dec. 19, 2015

Jim Rizoli, for the League of Extraordinary Revisionists, interviews Bradley R. Smith, his 5th interview in the series.


Media Madness

Media Madness will be the record of what I do to help create an open debate about the Jewish Holocaust story on university and college campuses, together with media reaction to this diabolical plan. In this context, media includes the print press on and off campus, electronic media on and off campus, and the Internet….

Smith’s Campus Brief: Catholic University & University of Chicago

Holocaust RevisionismWhy the panic? Judge for yourself. The evidence, the theory, the censorship. http://www.codoh.comOr: [old mailing address] Doc. 1: Ad submitted to Catholic University of America Holocaust Revisionism Why are the Thought Police panicked?Read the evidence. Judge for yourself. [old mailing address] Doc. 2: Ad submitted to Catholic University of America Catholic University of…

Introduction to Tangled Web: Zionism and the Holocaust — The Consequences (1996)

The following brief article was written in 1996 by Bradley Smith to serve as an introduction to the Tangled Web: Consequences Webpage. The CODOH Revisionist Library has chosen to preserve these brief comments even though the page in question has since been updated. Here you will find some of the consequences of what has come…

A Journal: January 1979

I used to keep a journal. I tried to keep it every day. Sometimes I did, sometimes I didn't. It was in September 1979 that I discovered the controversy that was emerging around the Holocaust story. In fishing around through some old boxes I have found part of my journals for that year. Some might…

Phil Donahue Show

Your browser does not support the video tag. The Phil Donahue Show of March 14, 1994, featuring Bradley Smith, David Cole and Michael Shermer(with comments by Mike Smith aka DenierBud)

The Holocaust Controversy

The Contemporary Issue No subject enrages campus Thought Police more than Holocaust Revisionism. We debate every other great historical issue as a matter of course, but influential pressure groups with private agendas have made the Holocaust story an exception. Elitist dogma manipulated by special interest groups corrupts everything in academia. Students should be encouraged to…

Smith’s Journal

Thursday, 1 February 96 David Stennett, a student at University of Puget Sound (WA) left a review copy of David Cole's video about fraud at Auschwitz, “David Cole Interviews Dr. Franciszek Piper,” at the UPS History office. The video was reviewed by Professor Theodore Taranovsky, who teaches something on the Jewish holocaust and revisionism. Taranvoski…

List of Colleges Where CODOH Ads Have Run (1991-1995)

1991 The Holocaust Story: How Much is False: The Case for Open Debate. Northwestern University. 1991 – 1992 The Holocaust Controversy: The Case for Open Debate University of Michigan Duke University Cornell University Northern Illinois University (DeKalb) Rutgers University Ohio State University Vanderbilt University Community College of Philadelphia Washington University (St. Louis) Howard University (W.D.C.)…

Smith’s Journal

Wednesday, 3 January Denial, a new play by Peter Sagal, had its world premiere in December at the Long Wharf Theatre in New Haven. Shades of O'Niel and all the others. The play concerns a Jewish attorney working for the ACLU who is asked to defend a professor and author who is a holocaust revisionist….

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