
At the moment, we distinguish between two different kinds of videos:

  • Chats &: Interviews: These are casual monologues or dialogues on a variety of topics, but usually focusing on history and free speech.
  • Documentaries and lectures: These are presentations of scholarly style and contents, again with the same focus.

Pick the subcategory you want in order to sort the videos into one of those categories.

Chats & Interviews | Documentaries

David Irving Rommel (Part 2 of 2)

In this 22 minute video, the brilliant revisionist writer and researcher David Irving, continues his superb narration of the “Desert Fox”, Field Marshall Erwin Rommel. David continues the story from (Part 1) where Rommel is preparing the German forces in France to resist the Allied invasion. David relates how Rommel was told by Hitler that…

Holocaust Propaganda as Pro-Immigration Brainwashing for Kids

In this short video clip (2 minutes) a example is shown how the “Holocaust” hate atrocity propaganda is used by Zionist groups to promote their multi-racial agenda. Here, the ‘Holocaust Education Awareness & Remembrance’, a Zionist front, gets pupils from Charleston to plant daffodils, to 'remember' Jewish children who died in the “Holocaust”. The usual…

Bodybuilder Dorian Yates doesn´t Believe the Holocaust (46 Segs)

n this 3 minute video clip, the renowned body builder, Dorian Yates is interviewed by Dave Palumbo about his recent message on the internet about the “holocaust” atrocity lie. Dorian Yates stands steadfast despite the badgering by Palumbo, and states that he doesn’t believe in some of the propaganda stories of World War 2, including…

Germar Rudolf Interview 11-5-20

In this 55 minute video done in 2020, John Friend, of the American Free Press interviews Germar Rudolf. Germar is notable for his “Rudolf Report”, but more of that later. John asks Germar a number of questions about how he first got involved in Revisionism. Germar explains that he is a native German, schooled and…

Holocaust: Auschwitz Virtual Tour (1:19:22)

Ever been to Auschwitz? Well you don't have to. Here, three revisionists go on a "virtual" tour of Auschwitz. Auschwitz was in fact three places. In this one hour hour and nineteen minute long video, they candidly discuss the various places in Auschwitz I (the original camp) Auschwitz II (Birkenau) and Auschwitz III (Monowitz). The…

Holohoax Tales Raining Jews Corpse Conveyor Belt.

Dorian Yates, legendary 6 x Mr. Olympia, joins Dave Palumbo on RX Muscle's 'Live With' – the show where Dave interviews the top competitors, personalities, and newsmakers in the bodybuilding world. Dorian is obviously not impressed with the "Holocau$t" atrocity lie! Source:RxMuscle — The Truth in Bodybuilding('Live With')Apr 26, 2018DORIAN YATES: CONTROVERSIAL VIEWPOINTS! Part 4…

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