
At the moment, we distinguish between two different kinds of videos:

  • Chats &: Interviews: These are casual monologues or dialogues on a variety of topics, but usually focusing on history and free speech.
  • Documentaries and lectures: These are presentations of scholarly style and contents, again with the same focus.

Pick the subcategory you want in order to sort the videos into one of those categories.

Chats & Interviews | Documentaries

Treblinka Nonsense

In this short clip, Jim Rizoli explains the ludicrous nonsense actually claimed by Holocaust hate propagandists in regard to the Treblinka camp. In the time period of about 8 months, about 900,000 Jews were killed by Co2 from U-Boat Engines, or by steam, or something and then their bodies were buried in big pits. Later…

Fred Leuchter Munich 1991

In this 25 minute Fred Leuchter explains his reasons for going to Auschwitz and viewing the alleged gas chambers there. Fred was an execution expert in the United States and knew a lot of how execution gas chambers worked in a number of states.He explained that he went there on behalf of Ernst Zundel, a…

Ernst Zündel: Interviews Richard Butler 1984. (1:08:12)

Ernst Zündel Interviews Richard Butler 1984, in this (one  hour 8 minutes) video. Ernest Zundel (1939 – 2017) interviews Pastor Richard Grant Butler (1918 – 2004) at his home in Toronto in 1984. Richard Butler was an Aerospace Engineer, an co-inventor of tubeless tires, and the Senior Manufacturing Engineer for Lockheed Martin. Lockheed Martin is an aircraft…

Ernst Zündel: Interviewed by Dr. Herbert Poinsett Part 1 of 2

Interview done in 1987, between Ernst Zundel's history-making 'Holocaust Trials'. Doctor Herbert Poinsett of Race and Reason interviews Ernst Zundel in this (27 minute) video. Doctor Herbert Poinsett had travelled from the USA to Toronto, Canada to interview Ernst, as Ernst was subject to a absurd banning order preventing him visiting the USA. Doctor Herbert Poinsett says…

Ernst Zündel: Interviewed by Dr. Herbert Poinsett part 2 of 2

Interview done in 1987, between Ernst Zundel's history-making 'Holocaust Trials'. Doctor Herbert Poinsett of Race and Reason continues to interview Ernst Zundel in this (26 minute) video. Doctor Herbert Poinsett had travelled from the USA to Toronto, Canada to interview Ernst, as Ernst was subject to a absurd banning order preventing him visiting the USA. Doctor Herbert Poinsett…

Chess Grandmaster Bobby Fischer There were no Gas Chambers

Chess Grandmaster Bobby Fischer There were no Gas Chambers. Robert James Fischer (1943 – 2008) was an American Chess grandmaster and the eleventh World Chess Champion, from 1972 – 1975. bobby Fischer openly stated the "Holocau$t" was a fraud and made anti-Jewish remarks on a regular basis. On January 14, 1999, Fischer said "you know…

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