
The German concentration camp system in general. In its sub-categories you can find contributions focusing on certain camps.

Claimed Crematory Rates at Birkenau Seem Improbable

The following text represents the author's opinion, which is being made available for public review and comment. Jean-Francois Beaulieu is a resident of Montreal, Canada who, like many people, simply stumbled across the revisionist debate. On examination of some of the details, he became at first puzzled by descriptions that seemed technically improbable. After posting…

Work in the Moscow Archives

This research from the Moscow archives concerning World War II German concentration camps was conducted in two phases: Phase I: July-August 1995 by Carlo Mattogno, Jürgen Graf & Russel Granata Phase II: November-December 1995 by Carlo Mattogno & Jürgen Graf From 17 November to 16 December of 1995, I was in Moscow. Carlo Mattogno arrived…

The German Justice System

For a short time during the war, Gottfried Weise was a German guard in the Auschwitz concentration camp. Was he therefore automatically a subhuman not deserving to be heard? Gottfried Weise asserted that he did not do anything evil in these months, and ten former internees who could remember Weise confirmed this. However, two other…

Air Photo Evidence

1. Introduction During the 1930s German scientists and engineers pioneered aerial photography and developed it to high technological standards, which the Allies did not attain until World War Two. During the Second World War German reconnaissance fliers took millions of photos of the contested areas as well as of areas in enemy territory. After the…

The Gas Chamber at Dachau: Now You See It, Now You Don't

We are all familiar with an instrument called the kaleidoscope, in which loose bits of glass are reflected by plane mirrors showing each bit of glass in 6 places at once, creating the illusion of a symmetrical design. A similar phenomenon occurs in “War Crimes Trials,” in which gas chambers are shown in 3 different…

The Leuchter Report Vindicated

In early 1988, American execution hardware expert Fred A. Leuchter, Jr., carried out the first-ever forensic investigation of the alleged extermination gas chambers at Auschwitz, Birkenau and Majdanek. His sensational conclusion – that these structures were never used as gas chambers to kill people – set off an international controversy that is still continuing. In…

The Nazi Doctors

The Nazi Doctors: Medical Killing and the Psychology of Genocide, Robert Jay Lifton, New York: Basic Books Inc., 1986. xiii+561 pages. $19.95 The Nazi Doctors is divided into three main parts entitled “Life Unworthy of Life” (pp. 22-144; Chapters 1-6), “Auschwitz: The Racial Cure” (pp. 148-414; Chapter 7-18) and “The Psychology of Genocide” (pp. 417-500;…

The Unreliability of Documents in Jean-Claude Pressac’s Auschwitz: Technique and Operation of the Ga

There are documents, and then there are documents. Some documents are better than others. Original documents, for example, are more valuable than documents that are not original, particularly when you want to prove murder. Original documents are even more important when you want to prove mass murder. This is pretty complicated stuff, our holocaust historians…

Auschwitz: myths and facts

Summary The Auschwitz extermination story originated as wartime propaganda. Now, more than 40 years after the end of the Second World War, it is time to take another, more objective look at this highly polemicized chapter of history. The Auschwitz legend is the core of the Holocaust story. If hundreds of thousands of Jews were…

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