

Admission of MAGIC Demolishes FDR’s Claim of Surprise

We now come to the critical twenty-four hour period before the attack. What did the leaders in Washington know? When did they know it? What did they do about it? Unfortunately, the testimony is a jumbled mass of contradictions. Most witnesses swore under oath that they had performed their duties. Nonetheless, valuable hours were lost…

Doenitz at Nuremberg

Doenitz at Nuremberg: A Re-Appraisal, edited by H.K. Thompson, Jr. and Henry Strutz, preface by Justice William L. Hart, Amber Publishing (available from the IHR), Hb, 230pp heavily illustrated $11.00, ISBN 0-916788-01-6. This exceptionally comprehensive book was dedicated to Admiral Karl Doenitz, “a naval officer of unexcelled ability and unequalled courage who, in his nation's…

Italian Fascism: An Interpretation

When the Grand Council of Fascism on 25 July 1943 removed Benito Mussolini from his position as head of government, fascism ended in Italy. Its ending was as surprising as its beginning, when, on 28 March 1922, some 300,000 Blackshirts under Mussolini's command seized the Italian state. The events between those dates can be chronicled….

Romanians and the Holocaust

In the last decade, various stories appeared in books and newspapers relating to the Holocaust in Romania. The authors of these stories pretended that Romanians killed almost half a million Jews in WW II; they arrived at this figure in an awkward manner. Firstly, long before this campaign, in 1957, two scholars, one Romanian and…

The Japanese Camps in California

In the months following the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, many expected an immediate attack against the West Coast. Fear gripped the country and a wave of hysterical antipathy against the Japanese engulfed the Pacific Coast. The FBI quickly began rounding up any and all “suspicious” Japanese for internment. None was ever charged with any…

Yalta: Fact or Fate? A Brief Characterization

President François Mitterand of France, in a message at the start of 1982, rightly and roundly condemned the Conference of Yalta. France, excluded from the tete-a-tete of the Big Three World Conquerors on 4-12 February 1945, thus once again has challenged the Western nations not to recognize the judgments and the boundaries there agreed upon…

Allied War Crimes Trials

On 14 November 1945, the proceedings of the International Military Tribunal at Nürnberg (Nuremberg) were opened. The twenty-four accused, whose number was later reduced to twenty-two by disease and death, among the top officials of the National Socialist Party, the top leadership of the armed forces and of the state administration of the defeated German…

El Salvador: The War to Come

Introduction News and its interpretation changes daily, if not hourly, but the lead story on the front page of the November 6 New York Times should have brought chills to Revisionists, whatever their historical period preference: “Haig says U.S. Aid to Salvador junta Must Be Increased” and subheaded: “He Indicates That Officials Are Studying Ways…

Letters to the Editor

8 October 1980 Dear Mr. Branton: [sic] Thank you for writing in response to People Weekly's 25 August issue article on Samuel Pisar. We are glad to have the opportunity to respond to your comments. Mr. Pisar's assertion regarding the existence of a gas chamber compound at Auschwitz is supported by reputable sources too numerous…

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