Month: November 2015

Germar Rudolf, Interview with Jim Rizoli, Nov. 7, 2015

German scientist and publisher Germar Rudolf if most (in)famous for his "Expert Report on Chemical and Technical Aspects of the 'Gas Chambers' of Auschwitz," see at He authored this study in 1991/92 on request of German lawyers, but when it got published in 1993, all hell broke loose for him: Rudolf lost his job…

Why—and How—I’m “Ideologically Motivated”

Holocaust denial is ideologically motivated. The deniers’ strategy is to sow seeds of doubt through deliberate distortion and misrepresentation of the historical evidence. Teachers should be careful not to unwittingly legitimise the deniers through engaging in a false debate. “How to Teach about the Holocaust in Schools”, International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance The passage above has…

The Last Word

Several of you have asked why, in my Christmas letter last month , there were photos of Irene and me, photos of the three grandchildren, but no photos of the parents of the grand kids. The answer is that our own kids have real lives and no need of being easily identifiable by those employed…

Israel Cymlich and Oskar Strawczynski, “Escaping Hell in Treblinka”

Israel Cymlich, Oskar Strawczynski, Escaping Hell in Treblinka, Yad Vashem, York/Jerusalem 2007 In this volume, historian David Silberklang presents the memoirs of the Polish Jews Israel Cymlich and Oskar Strawczynski, dated respectively to June 1943 and the summer of 1944. While Strawczynski was a detainee at the “extermination camp”; Treblinka II, Cymlich is one of…

A Revisionist Breeze is Blowing…

Are the officials of Jewish organisations sincere in their constant denunciations of anti-Semitism? At any moment, and for no apparent reason, they’re apt to cry wolf or, rather, yell about how “the womb of the horrid beast (that gave birth to Nazism) is still fertile”;. If need be they invent this purported anti-Semitism, either on…

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