Month: November 2015

Outbreak! The Encyclopedia of Extraordinary Social Behavior

Hilary Evans, M.A., and Robert Bartholomew, Ph.D., Outbreak! The Encyclopedia of Extraordinary Social Behavior, Anomalist Books, 2009. 784 pp.   Hilary Evans is a British historian and a prolific author who has written dozens of books on subjects ranging from Victorian private life to flying saucers. Robert Bartholomew is an accredited sociologist and a recognized…

The Non-Jewish Stake in the Holocaust Mythology

In the early 1980s, the late Revisionist scholar Dr. Charles Weber wrote a very important, but now largely forgotten, essay concerning the non-Jewish groups that promote and benefit from the Holocaust mythology. Weber noted that, although the Jewish-Zionist power elite is the predominant force behind the Holocaust ideology, they are not the only entity behind…

Holocaust Revisionist Strikes Again

Bradley R Smith, the Holocaust revisionist famous for spouting his views through advertisements in college newspapers, is making waves at Hofstra University. The full-time gadfly has submitted a 24-page booklet portraying death camps as far-fetched sob stories to college newspapers across the country. While Liz Johnson, editor in chief of The Review, refused to publish…


Friend: The Campus Project has had a fine fall season. There was a strong, ongoing story at Hofstra U that pulled in national media. The Boise State Arbiter was not far behind. The second issue of The Revisionist is hot off the press, has a new wrap on front and back covers, and a content…


Three Bravos for The Revisionist I got my copy of the first “Revisionist” yesterday and have read it from cover to cover. My conclusion: BRAVO, BRAVO, BRAVO! I hope you are able to sustain the high level of the first issue. I particularly commend you for continuing all articles on the very next page and…

Campus Project

U Massachusetts Molly Sherman, advertising director at the Daily Collegian at U Massachusetts (Amherst) accepted our Holocaust Studies ad. When editorial saw the text, it was decided it would be a good idea to run it past the faculty advisor. The editor rang me up and we chatted for a few minutes. He volunteered his…

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