Statistics + Demography

“Six million Jews died during the Holocaust.” Really? How do we know? What do the statistics tell us?

Mattogno Corrects the Record

Background In one of Ingrid Rimland's recent “Revisionist Week In Review” Z-grams she noted: There is interesting revisionist news from Russia. Revisionist historian Jurgen Graf was recently in Moscow and gave an interview with the Russian weekly Russky Vestnik. This interview was just published, and an English translation can be found at the URL:…

Soviet War Crimes Report on Auschwitz

Introduction “The Nuremberg Trials.” The mere mention of these words conjures up stark images of atrocities of the Second World War. These were the trials of the top surviving members of the Nazi leadership. At the conclusion of the trials, a set of volumes would be produced documenting the evidence presented. These volumes would become…

What happened to Europe’s Jews?

Dear AnswerMan, If the Jews of Europe were not exterminated during the Holocaust, I'd like to know what happened to the millions who once lived there. Pauline Friedman AnswerMan Replies: Because this question deals with a large subgroup within the much larger population of Europe during a major war, there is no simple single answer…

Why is it so difficult to perform demographic analyses?�

Dear AnswerMan, Why is it so difficult to perform demographic analyses on East European populations? Rosa AnswerMan Replies: There are four main reasons why it is not possible to perform reliable demographic analyses in East Europe for the 20th Century: the poor quality of Soviet censuses, the constant re-drawing of national boundaries which makes it…

How could you advocate free speech to deny the Holocaust?

Dear AnswerMan, With Germany's historical record, how can you advocate free speech to deny the Holocaust? Isn't Germany merely preventing another Holocaust from happening? [Name Withheld upon request] AnswerMan Replies: There is no doubt that Germany and Austria have their laws in place because they fear, if not another Holocaust, then at least another period…

Six Million?

Dear AnswerMan, I read of an article published in an American-Jewish magazine in 1905 exposing a Jewish genocide of “6 million” persons during Eastern Europe pogroms. Why wasn't there no such moral rebellion as against the later nazi genocide? Was the world so insensitive about the Jews? [Name Witheld] AnswerMan Replies: The idea of “six…

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