United States of America


ISO announces protest against prof’s controversial web page

The International Socialist Organization plans a Monday morning protest to get Prof. Arthur Butz's Holocaust revisionary theory off-line. The International Socialist Organization plans to continue protesting against Prof. Arthur Butz and his web page. At its weekly meeting last night, ISO said they will protest 9 a.m. Monday outside of Tech LR8–Butz's classroom. Once again,…

Smith’s Campus Brief: Catholic University & University of Chicago

Holocaust RevisionismWhy the panic? Judge for yourself. The evidence, the theory, the censorship. http://www.codoh.comOr: [old mailing address] Doc. 1: Ad submitted to Catholic University of America Holocaust Revisionism Why are the Thought Police panicked?Read the evidence. Judge for yourself. http://www.codoh.com [old mailing address] Doc. 2: Ad submitted to Catholic University of America Catholic University of…

Computer Network Holocaust Debate Closed Down

“Thoughtcrime does not entail death: thoughtcrime IS death.”George Orwell The latest effort by revisionists to foster open debate on the holocaust issue over a computer network “bulletin board system” (BBS) has been closed down by network censors after just three weeks. On September 9, 1992, the GE-nie computer network permitted the creation of a new…

Free Speech Denied at Berkeley

“Thoughtcrime does not entail death: thoughtcrime IS death.”George Orwell On October 13, at the University of California at Berkeley, the university chancellor cancelled a hall contract for British historian David Irving. It was claimed that the last minute cancellation was due to insufficient security resources. The organizers of Mr. Irving's lecture were forced to move…

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