

How I Became a Revisionist

This is an initial exchange with a man who only recently contacted CODOH. Peter: Your contribution arrived here yesterday. It's a generous donation and very much appreciated. Sometimes, when I do not know the person well (or, as in our case, not at all) and he or she makes an initial contribution to the work,…

Reflections on the Life of John Bennett of Melbourne, Civil Libertarian and Culture Hero

NOTE: This is a text brutally edited by the editor, originally written by Mr. Jackson and submitted to the New Times Survey, to be published by the Australian League of Rights. It will eventually appear on their website http://www.alor.org/ . On 27th July a death notice was published in Melbourne’s premier newspaper The Age. John…

The Trayvon-Zimmerman Circus: “Racists” Have Rights, Too

Originally posted at Republican Party Animals on 17 July by David Stein. I believe the message here is applicable to Holocaust Revisionists as it is to all citizens. Revisionists deserve the same civil rights and “human rights” as do all others in America, even “racists.”http://www.countercontempt.com/archives/4839 It’s fairly clear that the Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman circus is…

To the President of Georgetown University & To the Senior Advisor on Archives at the USHMM

President John J. DeGioiaOffice of the PresidentGeorgetown University204 Healy Hall37th & “O” Streets, NWWashington, DC 20057Fax: (202) 687-6660 Chief of Staff: Joseph A. Ferrara 05 July 2013 President DeGioia: It has occurred to me to wonder if you are not aware of at least some of the compromising realities underlying the Georgetown University’s Jan Karski…


*** As I reported here last month, I have begun “tweeting.” Posting brief messages online that with a single click are sent to those who I have convinced to sign up for them. Each tweet is a very brief text with a link to a relevant story that I want to draw attention to. There…

German Side of World War II Revealed

This story is from The Australian(Nothing new for us, but good to see today in the mainstream press.)http://tinyurl.com/kx5b3a7 GERMANY is to open its first museum dedicated to bomber offensives of World War II that will lay bare how the Allies attacked civilian areas. Only now, with survivors of the bombing raids well into old age,…

The Last Word/s

*** A German court in the Bavarian city of Regensburg has thrown out the latest appeal by British Bishop Richard Williamson. The appeal marked the fifth round of court proceedings in this case. The 73-year-old bishop was originally convicted of incitement to hatred after telling Swedish television in a 2009 broadcast that “200,000 to 300,000…

A Message to the Spartans of the Spirit

Q 1: In the mid-1990s your website, the famous Zundelsite, became the flagship of World War II Revisionism. It seems your NEW website, the Soaring Eagles website, is a radical departure from your customary political outreach. Have you abandoned your previous focus on Holocaust Revisionism? IR: Not at all. The Zundelsite exists in cyberspace despite…

Hikind Demands Credit Card Companies Pull Support from Hate Groups

Mark HirshbergJewish Political News and UpdatesSeptember 17, 2013http://tinyurl.com/mryxno7 Assemblyman Hikind (D-Brooklyn) is calling on the major credit card companies to withdraw their support from numerous hate groups operating in the United States and abroad. It was discovered that eight Holocaust denial organizations are currently selling racist, anti-Semitic and Holocaust Denial products (books, videos) via websites…

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