

Thomas Jefferson’s Place in History

Martin A. Larson received his Ph.D. in English literature from the University of Michigan. He is the author of more than 20 books, including the 414-page work, Jefferson: Magnificent Populist (available from the IHR). Since 1980 Larson has been a member of the Journal's Editorial Advisory Committee, and has spoken at several IHR conferences. He…

A New Journal and a New Era

Between the beginning of 1980 and the end of 1992 (with a one year suspension in 1987), twelve annual volumes of the familiar quarterly Journal were published. In the 5,800 pages of these 46 issues, we have been proud to present hundreds of articles and essays, including first-ever publication of articles of major importance by…

Canadian Reflections on the Zündel and Irving Cases

On August 27, Canada's Supreme Court struck down as unconstitutional the law under which German-Canadian publisher Ernst Zündel was convicted for publishing a Revisionist booklet about the Holocaust. In a four-three decision, the judges ruled that the “false news” law under which he was convicted violates the freedom-of-speech provisions of Canada's Charter of Rights, and…

Book-length “Scholarly” Polemic Fails to Discredit Leuchter

Truth Prevails: Demolishing Holocaust Denial: The End of the Leuchter Report. Edited by Shelly Shapiro. New York, N.Y.: The Beate Klarsfeld Foundation, and Holocaust Survivors and Friends in Pursuit of Justice, 1990. Softcover. 135 pages. Illustrations. Index. $15.00. ISBN 1-879437-00-7. In response to Fred Leuchter's findings about the alleged wartime extermination gas chambers, the Holocaust…

Fred Leuchter: Courageous Defender of Historical Truth

Until early 1988, Fred A. Leuchter, Jr. – like most Americans – basically accepted the Holocaust extermination story. In itself that is not at all remarkable, except that this man also just happened to be the foremost American expert on gassing and gas chamber technology. As readers of this Journal know, Fred Leuchter was commissioned…

From the Editor

We begin this issue with another IHR exclusive. Published here for the first time anywhere are copies of inmate death certificates from the long-hidden Auschwitz camp death registry volumes. These documents, which remained inaccessible in Soviet archives for more than 40 years, disprove the widely repeated myth that all Jewish inmates in Auschwitz who were…

From the Editor

In 1988, when Fred Leuchter carried out the first forensic examination of the alleged wartime extermination gas chambers at Auschwitz, Birkenau and Majdanek, and then testified on his findings in a Toronto court, the American execution hardware specialist did not realize that by doing so he was condemning himself to years of insults, threats and…

Growing Impact of the Leuchter Report in Germany

Editor's introduction Nowhere has the impact of the 1988 Leuchter Report been greater than in Germany, and understandably so. As one young German recently noted, if Holocaust Revisionism wins widespread acceptance there, the impact will be felt not merely in the intellectual world; many people who currently hold positions of influence and power in German…

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