Month: September 2015

French Communist Intellectual Prosecuted Because of Revisionist Writings

“Former communist Roger Garaudy converts to revisionism” [L'ancien communiste Roger Garaudy se convertit au révisonnisme]. Such was the headline bannering Christiane Chombeau's January 31st article in Le Monde last winter, one rich in meaning for those who had followed Roger Garaudy's meandering career as a French intellectual since the late 1950s. More than just a…

Shameless Hollywood Handlers Exploit Failing Old Ladies—and Other Atrocious Scenes

The last few weeks have seen a renewed assault on revisionism in Hollywood, Washington, and New York, all venues which CODOH has targeted (so far) with modest success. First it was the glittering and schlocky Academy Awards presentation, at which “One Survivor Remembers,” the story of Anne Frank's helper Miep Gies, garnered the obligatory Holocaust…

CODOH Leads in Fight for U.S. Publication of Goebbels

As promised in last month's SR, in response to the suppression of publication of David Irving's Goebbels: Mastermind of the Third Reich, Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust mounted a campaign to notify publishers and editors of the accessibility of the book's actual content and Irving's introduction to the book, at CODOH's site on…

What I Believe, What I Don't Believe, and Why – Redux

This is what I believe with regard to the gas chamber controversy, what I don’t believe, and why. I understand perfectly well that the Hitlerian regime was antisemitic and persecuted Jews and others. I understand that many peoples, European Jews among them, experienced unfathomable tragedies at the hands of the Allied and Axis powers during…

Articles in Printed Format Available from the CODOH Website

Do you want to see something of what we are publishing “electronically” on the CODOH Website? Following are representative articles and excerpts from books produced by writers and scholars around the world, working usually in great personal isolation, oftentimes under threat from the State, and with little hope of financial reward or public favor. No…

Blessed Are (Some of) the Peacemakers

Elie Wiesel, world leader of the S. S. (Sensitive Survivors), has found a new cause. Rummaging among the victims of Hitler's regime, he's come up with Carl von Ossietzky, Weimar leftist and “pacifist” par excellence, who died in a Berlin hospital after several years in a German concentration camp. Wiesel is agitating for the overturn…

The World Wide Web: What Is It and Why Is It Important to Revisionism?

(Richard Widmann is Co-Webmaster of the Bradley Smith / CODOH Website.) As readers of this newsletter are well aware, Bradley Smith has a presence on the World Wide Web (WWW). But what exactly is the WWW? It is currently estimated that 40 million people internationally have access to the Internet. The Internet is a loose…

Editors at 75 College Newspapers Receive First Internet Mailing from CODOH

Patrick J. Buchanan’s statements in support of the legal rights of some accused World War II criminals, as well as his support for some aspects of revisionist theory about the Nazi “gas chambers,” have been the target of columnists, academics, politicians and special interest groups for years. On 6 March I mailed a 750-word opinion…

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