About Revisionism and Historiography

On the reasons and goals of revising historical narratives, on Revisionism as a “movement,” covering topics such as its history and objectives, and on the techniques and politics of writing about history in general.

Cold Case II

In October 2017 CODOH ran the story “Anne Frank, a Cold Case” about former FBI Agent Vincent Pankoke. Mr. Pankoke has set up a website and is trying to raise $5,000,000 to “crack the case of Anne Frank,” specifically trying to identify who was behind “the betrayal that led to her death in a concentration…

The Textbook Holocaust

Holocaust revisionism has graduated to become the subject of what is obviously a college textbook, “edited” by no less than 18 contributors, including eight academics at universities in the UK, three in Germany and one each in France, Hungary, the Netherlands and Kenya, plus a lawyer in Ireland and one court officer each in Yugoslavia…

Censorship by Classification

It has long been noted—and proven—that supporters of the Holocaust hoax occupy positions that they use to disseminate Holocaust disinformation in government, the media, art, literature, and … libraries. Yes, there, too. Their methods entail two prongs of attack: first, of course, to repeat (and repeat, and repeat) the dogma that has dominated at least…

Believer Math

David Cole is getting heat from Believer Extremists like    Cole, a Revisionist Apostate, is being smeared as a "Denier" because he is a couple of million short of the sacred figure 6,000,000.   Actually, the 6,000,000 does seem somewhat magical itself.  Originally derived from "actual figures" of Extermination Camp Deaths the number is a…

Trudeau Blots his Politically Correct Copy Book

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau tours the National Holocaust Monument last week… Something missing? Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has blotted his Politically Correct copy book at the unveiling of Canada latest Holocaust Memorial when it was noticed that the  memorial was missing any reference to Jewish people. https://www.rt.com/news/405787-trudeau-canada-holocaust-memorial/ Conservative MP;David Sweet is looking to get answers!In a…

Smashing Statutes

In March 2001 several large statues of Buddha carved into the cliffs at Bamyan Valley were destroyed as part of a government campaign to rid Afghanistan of offensive idolatry. Western and Buddhist countries condemned the destruction of the statutes as, "a crime against culture. It is abominable to witness the cold and calculated destruction of…

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