(No) Freedom of Expression

There is the ideal of free speech, and then there is reality: censorship, persecution, and prosecution of dissidents.

A Tale of Two Ads

On February 3rd the Zionist Organization of America announced that it was mobilizing a number of prominent Jews, including Elie Wiesel, to run full page advertisements in American newspapers condemning the Syrian newspaper which had accused Israel of manipulating the Holocaust for political purposes. The Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust (CODOH) wishes these…

God Bless the Hillel Rabbis

Dream that I’m shot in the head, then the heart. The hit to the head is accompanied by a tremendous blast of hot air. I see everything blowing apart. The shot to the heart is a little high and to my left. It’s an unnecessary follow up. The dream half wakens me and I lie…

Labels and Libels

An important libel suit is under way in London. David Irving, the controversial British historian of World War II, is suing an American scholar, Deborah Lipstadt of Emory University, for calling him “one of the most dangerous spokespersons for Holocaust denial.” Since she wrote this in a 1993 book Denying The Holocaust, Irving says, his…

The Irving Holocaust Trial

How the great Irving-Lipstadt libel trial in London will turn out I don't know. Neither does anyone else. But one thing is certain. Professional Holocausters have been given a black eye. They have been forced to debate what they have always refused to debate, namely, whether their version of the “Holocaust” is true. As could…

The ADL’s “Black Slavery” Ruse

The ADL is consistent: it will always argue against a free press when the Holocaust controversy is being addressed. One of its routines is to use the—let's put this as carefully as we can—transparently stupid comparison of revisionist theory to the ADL's “hypothetical” paper arguing that Black slavery did not exist in America. This invented,…

British ISPs Crack Down on Hate

5:30 p.m. 25. Jan. 2000 PST Internet service providers in Britain announced new self-regulatory content policies aimed at removing racist material from the Internet on Tuesday. The Internet Watch Foundation, an industry-funded self-policing body, said it will begin cracking down on “potentially criminal” hate content. The new brief expands the authority of the watchdog organization,…

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