Author: Jim Rizoli

Revisionist Videos on Cable TV

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Mark Weber, Interview with Jim Rizoli, Feb. 10, 2016

Mark Weber, currently director of the Institute for Historical Review, explains his getting involved into Holocaust revisionism, and what he thinks of it now.

Friedrich P. Berg, Interview with Jim Rizoli, March 5, 2016

Fritz Berg explains his getting involved into Holocaust revisionism, and what he thinks of it now.

John Kaminski, Interview with Jim Rizoli, March 15, 2016

John Kaminski explains his getting involved into revisionism and the issue of Jewish power and influence.

 Memorabilia : Fred Leuchter Gas Chamber Expert

An interview with Fred Leuchter about gas chambers.

The Leuchter Report

Jim Rizoli goes over the famous Leuchter Report on the impossibilities of there being homicidal gas chambers in the camps during the so called Holocaust.

Treblinka Nonsense

In this short clip, Jim Rizoli explains the ludicrous nonsense actually claimed by Holocaust hate propagandists in regard to the Treblinka camp. In the time period of about 8 months, about 900,000 Jews were killed by Co2 from U-Boat Engines, or by steam, or something and then their bodies were buried in big pits. Later on the Germans exhumed all the dead Jews, and burnt all the corpses, leaving no trace. So it happened, say the Holocaust hate propagandists, but all the evidence was destroyed. Typical lying Communist “evidence”.

Jim and Diane in Auschwitz (2:08)

Jim and Diane in Auschwitz.

Our Reply to David Cole

I'm, Diane and Fred Leuchter reply to what David Cole says in his video.

Eric Hunt Turns his Back on the TRUTH

Jim Rizoli and Fred Leuchter discuss how this could happen.

Jim Rizoli Rattles David Coles Cage

In this 54 minute clip, the revisionist, David Cole answers questions from viewers of his previous clips. Those who rebut the “gas chambers” lie, come from all races and ethnic groups, although they are regularly portrayed as “Neo-Nazis”. David Cole, being Jewish (one among many) gives the lie to the Zionist claim that revisionists are simply right wing individuals in “denial”.

Who Wrote the Leuchter Report

In this 36 minute clip, Jim Rizoli and Fred Leuchter discuss the authorship of the Leuchter report. The Leuchter report was a major turning point against the “Holocaust” hate atrocity propaganda. Fred, an American execution engineering expert, was employed to investigate the “gas chambers” at Auschwitz-Birkenau for the Ernst Zundel defence team at his trial for denying the “Holocaust”. Fred, who like most people had assumed the “gas chambers” was historically true, was stunned that there was no evidence of “gas chambers” or any evidence that the “gas chambers” had been used in a such a way. He then wrote a report detailing his findings.
Placing himself on the revisionist “slippery slope”, Fred was smeared, traduced and attacked by Communists and Zionists.

Auschwitz Krema 1 LIES

In this fifteen minute clip, Jim Rizoli exposes the lies told by the “Holocaust” hate atrocity propagandists regarding Crematorium (Krema) Number 1 at Auschwitz 1 (The original camp).

Auschwitz Death Wall

In this ten minute clip, Jim Rizoli exposes another lie from the Holocaust hate atrocity propaganda lie. At Auschwitz, visitors are shown a wall where it is claimed 20,000 prisoners were executed.

Auschwitz Tour Nonsense

In this 8 minute clip, Jim Rizoli exposes the claims of the “guides” at the Auschwitz I concentration camp. Here the guide states, that the “gas chamber” was only built in 1941, and there were no “gas chambers” in the previous two years.

The Six Million Fact or Fiction (TSMFOF) SERIES Chap 6-7 Peter Winter (17:07 min)

Veteran battler for the truth, Jim Rizoli continues his review of Peter Winter's book, The Holocaust Fact or Fiction. Section 39 deals with the kidnapping of Adolf Eichmann by the Zionists and the show trial that followed. Eichmann only admitted to deporting Jews, that was his job, but not murdering. It didn't matter he was…

Jim Rizoli Fred Leuchter Interview 8-25-19 (1:43:17)

In this (One hour forty three minutes) video Jim Rizoli, an active campaigner against the “Holocaust” atrocity lie, interviews Frederick Leuchter on the 25th of August 2019. In 1985, in Toronto, Canada, Ernst Zundel was on trial for publishing “false” news. Ernst had reprinted a booklet “Did Six Million Really Die?” (by Richard Harwood) which…

The Six Million Fact or Fiction (TSMFOF) SERIES Chap 4-5 Peter Winter (44:09 min)

Jim Rizoli, continues his review (44 minutes) of Peter Winter's book, by looking at Chapters 4 & 5. Jim make comments to explain the various background of each section if required. Section 27 looks at the absurd "Nuremberg Trials" and the various so-called crimes made up by the Allies such as "crimes against peace", and…

The Six Million Fact or Fiction (TSMF) of SERIES Chapter 3 LIES Peter Winter (20:59 min)

The Six Million Fact or Fiction (TSMF) of SERIES Chapter 3 LIES Peter Winter. In this (20 minute) video, Jim Rizoli reviews the third chapter of Peter Winters book The Six Million Fact or Fiction which was released in 2018. In this chapter, entitled lies, Peter Winter reviews the Kurt Gerstein statements in Section 17 –…

The Six Million Fact or Fiction (TSMF) OF SERIES Chap 2 The Number Peter Winter (27:49 min)

The Six Million Fact or Fiction (TSMF) OF SERIES Chap 2 The Number Peter Winter In this (27 minute) video, Jim Rizoli reviews the second chapter of Peter Winters book The Six Million Fact or Fiction which was released in 2018. In this chapter, Peter Winter reviews the number of Jews under German control –…

The Great Holocaust Debate Jim vs. Alex Mann Quora Aug 30 2021 (1:32:17)

Jim Rizoli, an active individual in exposing the "Holocaust" atrocity lie, takes on Alex Mann, an individual, promoting the"Holoco$t" atrocity lie in this (one hour 32 minutes) video. Mann firstly objects (!) to being called a Jew, by Jim. Jim points out that it was another Jew (Mike Sims) who named Mann as a "co-religionist". Jim…

Auschwitz Swimming Pool and Other Testimony (13:46 min)

Auschwitz Swimming Pool and Other Testimony. In this (13 minute) video, we look at the Swimming Pool at Auschwitz main camp. The camp was a "death" camp according to the "Holocau$t" atrocity liars where thousands of Jews were "gassed" and then cremated. The video also looks at the accounts of Jews talking about the various facilities…

The Auschwitz Order (15:44)

The Auschwitz Order. In this video (15 minutes) Jim Rezoli looks at a document sent in by a watcher of his video channel. This is a document, issued by the commander of the Auschwitz complex on February 14, 1944. The commander at the time was SS-Obersturmbannfuhrer Arthur Liebehenschel, whose name appears on the document. Jim says…

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