Month: July 2012

Engineer’s Deathbed Confession: We Built Morgues, not Gas Chambers

Who is Walter Schreiber? Walter Schreiber was born in 1908 and died in 1999 at the age of 91 in Vienna. He studied civil engineering at the Technical University in Vienna and worked first on the construction of the alpine high altitude road "Großglockner-Hochalpenstraße" as assistant to the construction manager. After an extended period of…

A Somewhat Different Auschwitz Trial

Walter Dejaco (left) and Fritz Ertl (right): The contractors of the crematoria of Auschwitz-Birkenau. Thanks to an expert report they were acquitted. During the years 1964/65, a giant Auschwitz trial took place in Frankfurt, Germany. Almost all defendants accused of having participated in the crimes claimed to have been committed in this camp were eventually…

Letters to the Editor

General Remarks Allied War Crime and Catacomb Revisionists Dear Mr. Rudolf! It is always commendable to commemorate the victims of injustice. In this regard I may report about an incidence, which occurred parallel to the liberation, or better transfer (this event happened peacefully, as is known), of the concentration camp Mauthausen. On May 4, 1945,…

The “Mommy” Mommsen Show

Starring Professor Hans Mommsen of Bochum University, Germany, as himself Peter Monteith as the Grinning Clown David Brockschmidt as the Crusading Revisionist Plus Peter Monteith’s Overweight Bodyguard Peter’s two Goons with clubs and handcuffs The Mystery Screamer Twenty intelligent students (rumor has it, they exist) It was 10:55 a.m. on the crisp Adelaide winter morning…

The Morgues of the Crematoria at Birkenau in the Light of Documents

In the historical expert opinion drawn up for Deborah Lipstadt in the libel trial launched against her by David Irving (January 11 to April 11, 2000), Robert Jan van Pelt, when he was unable to find any proof of the reality of the extermination of Jews in gas chambers at Auschwitz, amassed all the available…

The Terror Did not Begin with Stalin

Johannes Rogalla von Bieberstein, Jüdischer Bolschewismus. Mythos und Realität (Jewish Boshevism. Myth and Reality), Edition Antaios, Dresden 2002, 312, €29.- “There is hardly any myth that is more important and which has more consequences than the one about ‘Jewish Bolshevism.’”—Prof. Dr. Ernst Nolte, Preface In a major work published a few years ago, Alexander Solshenizyn…

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