
The effect which the orthodox Holocaust narrative has in the social and political arena.

Israeli Bulldozer Driver Murders American Peace Activist

Picture taken between 3:00-4:00PM, 16 March 2003, Rafah, Occupied Gaza. Rachel Corrie (L) and Nick (R) oppose the potential destruction of this home (to the west of the Doctor's home where Rachel was killed). In the instance pictured, the bulldozer did not stop and Rachel was pinned between the scooped earth and the fence behind…

Indelible Shadows: Film and the Holocaust

Annette Insdorf, Indelible Shadows: Film and the Holocaust, 3rd ed., Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2003, 430 pp., $25.- Indelible Shadows is a rather idiosyncratic study of films, dramatic and documentary, that cluster around the Holocaust, narrowly defined by author Annette Insdorf as the “genocide of European Jewry.” If the author is to be believed, the…

The Elephant(s) in the Room

Most of us understand that it is unwise to draw a connection between the Israeli/Palestinian tragedy, 9/11, Afghanistan, and the U.S. administration's war against Iraq. The common understanding is that to suggest such a connection publicly, and in many contexts privately, is to risk being condemned as an anti-Semite. This fear is perfectly well founded….

All Men Are Equal-But Are They Really?

In 1994, Richard Herrnstein and Charles Murray published their highly controversial book, The Bell Curve, in which they claimed that the American Black population has a lower average intelligence quotient than the American White population, and genetic differences between the two groups are to a large extent responsible for this. Of course, this raised a…

The Hole in the Door

Introduction It is important for understanding political and religious phenomena to realize that abnormal behavior is transmittable. At the turn of the 19th to the 20th century, the German neurologist Kraepelin described a condition which he called “induced insanity”.[1] Thereby a psychotic person, called the Inductor, can cause a similar sickness in otherwise normal persons….

A Look Back at Revisionism

For many years now, revisionist books and journal articles accumulate, which due to their scientific depth, their sheer irrefutable evidence and rigorous argumentation should have been in a position to cause a historiographic revolution all by themselves. But nothing happens. The silencing spiral, together with the increased worldwide range of persecution, silences more and more…

Holocaust Faith and Holocaust Heresy

The Pope unknowingly ignited a firestorm over his plan to lift the excommunication of several conservative bishops. One of these bishops, Richard Williamson, gave an interview on Swedish television voicing his view that the Nazis did not gas a single Jew and that not more than 200,000 to 300,000 Jews died throughout the Holocaust. Jewish…

Famous French sociologist Alain Besançon discovers “the religion of the Shoah”

Already in the late 1970s, at the first heavy blow I struck against them, the historians of “the Holocaust” (which today is often called “Shoah”) had shown their disarray. Whereas I had placed myself on scientific ground to demonstrate, in a way that admitted of no rebuttal, that their alleged homicidal gas chambers were technically…

The Case of Bishop Williamson

On January 24th of this year news of Pope Benedict XVI lifting a ban of excommunication on four Bishops from the Society of St. Pius X was of little interest outside of certain segments of the Catholic Church. The Bishops were ordained by Marcel Lefebvre in 1988 without the authority of the Catholic Church ultimately…

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