Free Speech + Censorship

The ideal and limits of free speech and expression, and also the free access to information, as well as the various legal and extra-legal attempts at limiting that civil right. Censorship includes not only government actions against any media, published or not, but also the active suppression of such media by mainstream outlets. Unless a report is on free speech and/or censorship in general, it has been categorized in the subcategory of the country discussed.

Internet Roundup

Readers of Smith's Report may recall our announcement of having been the proud recipients of an Internet award in 1996 (see SR 47 “Notebook). The award was a “Top 5% of the Web” rating by Lycos—a web directory of top-shelf sites rated by the Web's most experienced reviewers. For quite some time CODOHWeb has proudly…


Recent issues of Vierteljahreshefte fuer freie Geschichtsforschung (Quarterly for Free Historical Research), the Belgian-published, German-language revisionist review that shines as one of the world's best, contain various articles under CODOH bylines: Samuel Crowell, on the technique and operation of German air-raid shelters during WWII (including his devastating critique of the Majdanek door offered as the…

Of Dracula and Chia Pets

A column in the Jewish World (March 27-April 1998) gives a revealing, behind-the-scenes glimpse at how professional censors within the Jewish community think and operate against CODOH and the Campus Project. Writer Mik Moore edits New Voices, a publication of the Jewish Student Press Service, and is a recent graduate of Vassar. That last bit…

Internet Roundup 1998

As 1998 begins, a new strain of virulent anti-Americanism is circulating throughout our country. We see the Holocaust Lobby attempting, in complete and utter disregard for the basic tenets on which our country was founded, to eliminate revisionist dissent through nongovernmental, “voluntarist” tampering with the free market of ideas. While the Left, and nearly all…

Who Will Be Left to Stand up?

[A well-written article that Smith would have been glad to retain credit for.The piece, however, was written by Martin Henry, of whom you will shortly be hearing more.] Who will be left to stand up? The Review; University of Delaware, 5 December 1997 Bradley SmithGuest Column In the 20 years or so that the Gas…

“Watchdog” Barks a Grudging Tribute to CODOH’s Growing Internet Outreach

The Anti-Defamation League, through the medium of a lengthy attack in its latest scare screed, High-Tech Hate, has inadvertently underlined the growing power of the Committee for Open Debate of the Holocaust’s site on the World Wide Web, CODOHWeb. Published just in time for Halloween, its cover a mosaic of strong blacks and oranges and…

Internet Roundup

One of the most popular areas on CODOHWeb is our International page. On this page we feature important revisionist papers in languages other than English. Specifically, we now offer works in Arabic, Danish, French, German, Italian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Swedish. We happily perform the public service of beaming banned works directly back into…

Lyle Stuart “Barricades” Revisionist Manuscripts

I recently had occasion to read an article sent me from the Hoboken Record (2 February 97) titled “House of Stuart.” It gave the background to the publishing history of Lyle Stuart, who is perhaps the most independent and controversial mainstream book publisher in the United States. He specializes in publishing books that challenge orthodox…

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