Free Speech + Censorship

The ideal and limits of free speech and expression, and also the free access to information, as well as the various legal and extra-legal attempts at limiting that civil right. Censorship includes not only government actions against any media, published or not, but also the active suppression of such media by mainstream outlets. Unless a report is on free speech and/or censorship in general, it has been categorized in the subcategory of the country discussed.

The “Holocaust” Ad: A Study in Hypocrisy

Editor’s Note: In the early 1990s, free-speech advocate Bradley Smith attempted to place a full-page ad explaining the Holocaust revisionist position in college newspapers throughout the United States. The ad was published by some papers at institutions of higher learning, and rejected by others. In response to this campaign, the following article was originally published…

Intellegent design and Holocaust “denial”

The following discussion ensued as a result of commentary posted on the Website of the History News Network. It abruptly ended when the Anti-Defamation League intervened and “enlightened” all participants about the “evil character” of Bradley R. Smith. Codoh Editor Comments (1)Intellegent design and Holocaust “denial” (#70926)by Bradley Reed Smith on November 13, 2005 at…

Outlaw History

Throughout the Western world people are being prosecuted for writing about World War II and the Holocaust. Historians, researchers, authors, and publishers are being fined, imprisoned, placed under gag orders, expelled from their native countries, and denied entry into others. Those who are prosecuted are routinely prevented from mounting an effective defense, because witnesses who…

Watchdogs Exploit Terror Attacks to Further their Agendas

In the weeks following September 11, various Watchdog groups including the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), and the Center for New Community (CNC) began to use the fear generated from the horrific attacks to further their own agendas. These Watchdog groups quickly updated their Websites and made contact with various media…

Australian Jews take Legal action against Dr. Töben

“Thoughtcrime does not entail death: thoughtcrime IS death.”George Orwell Australia's Jewish community has taken court action against Dr. Fredrick Töben, director of the revisionist think tank, the Adelaide Institute . The Executive Council of Australian Jewry is seeking the enforcement of the Human Rights and Equal Opportunities Commission (HREOC) order that Holocaust revisionist material be…

Vampire Killers

March 14, 2001 Folk stories about vampires provide readers with various remedies to the calamity of a ghoulish attack. A fistful of graveyard dirt is favoured, garlic is beneficial, and the cross is most efficient. But these remedies don't always work. In Roman Polanski's hilarious horror comedy, “The Fearless Vampire Killers,” the hero tries to…

Don't Tread on Me

Don't tread on me!” “Give me Liberty or give me Death!” “Live Free or Die!” Platitudes? Lip service to a cause? NO! These were the convictions of people who knew what was just and right and who were willing to die to ensure such justice and rights — who were willing to die for freedom…

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