
Warfare in Germany, mainly during the final months of the war, when the allied Armies entered German territory, including the Allied bombing campaign over Germany.

Foiling Espionage in Berlin Radio’s Arabic Service

This account is a translation of a portion of the memoir of Yûnus Bahrî (1902?-1979), Hunâ Berlin! Hayiya al'Arab!, volume five, pages 79-93, published in Beirut in 1956 by Matb'at al-Jihâd. Itis translated from the Arabic by E.G. Müller, an Arab studies specialist with a Master's degree in political science who is currently working on…

The National Socialist Party in Third Reich Germany

During his lifetime Lothrop Stoddard (1883-1950) was one of America’s most influential writers. He earned a doctorate from Harvard, and was the author of 15 books, including the much-discussed 1920 work, The Rising Tide of Color. He wrote numerous articles and essays, and was an editorial writer and foreign affairs expert for The Washington Star….

Kennedy’s 1945 Visit to Germany

A youthful John F. Kennedy In late July and early August 1945, just weeks after the end of the war in Europe, the 28-year-old John F. Kennedy visited war-devastated Germany. Accompanying him on this tour was US Navy Secretary James Forrestal (whom President Truman later appointed as the first Secretary of Defense). Kennedy recorded his…

George Bernard Shaw’s Letter to the Editor, May 1945

In Respect of the Irish Prime Minister's Condolences on the News of Adolf Hitler's Death When Shaw's pamphlet “Common Sense About the War” appeared in late 1914,[1] some three and one-half months after the war had started, it raised an angry tempest in Britannia. Although it only stated (what after the war was well-nigh universally…

Irving on Churchill

World-class historian David Irving is no stranger to readers of the JHR. His address to the 1983 Intemational Revisionist Conference, which appeared in the Winter 1984 Journal of Historical Review (“On Contemporary History and Historiography”), was something of a primer on Irving's Revisionist historiographical method. It was spiced as well with tantalizing hints of new…

My Role in Berlin on July 20, 1944

My assignment to the guard regiment “Großdeutschland” in Berlin was actually a form of rest and recreation – my first leave from the front – after my many wounds and in recognition of my combat decorations, including the Knight’s Cross with Oak Leaves and the Close Combat Badge in Silver (forty-eight days of close combat)….

Conspiracy and Betrayal around Hitler

Verschwörung und Verrat um Hitler: Urteil des Frontsoldaten. [Conspiracy and Betrayal around Hitler: A Combat Soldier’s Verdict] by Otto Ernst Remer, Brigadier General Retired [Generalmajor a.D.]. Preussisch Oldendorf, Federal Republic of Germany: Verlag K.W. Schlütz, KG, Third Printing, 1984, 336 pages, illustrated, 42.00 DM (about $20 U.S.), ISBN 3-87725-102/1. A few exciting hours after the…

The Fuehrer Headquarters 1939-1945 / The Great Age of German Films 1933-1945

Das Führerhauptquartier 1939-1945 [The Fuehrer Headquarters 1939-1945] compiled and edited by Gerhard Buck. Leoni am Starnberger See [D-8137]: Druffel Verlag, 1983, 176pp, DM 36.00, ISBN 3-8061-0830-7. Die große Zeit des deutschen Films 1933-1945 [The Great Age of German Films 1933-1945) edited by Michele Sakkara. Leoni am Starnberger See [D-8137]: Druffel Verlag, 1980, 184pp, DM 36.00,…

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