Internet Roundup
The Campus Project On-Line
Since 1991 one of the principal elements of CODOH’s revisionist evangelism has been the Campus Project. The project kicked off in a big way on April 4, 1991 when the Daily Northwestern printed Bradley Smith’s article “The Holocaust Story: How Much is False? The Case for Open Debate.” This first major CODOH piece to be published in a university paper ran shortly after Northwestern professor Arthur Butz’s plans to host a dormitory “fireside chat” on the topic of Holocaust revsionism ended, not in a “fireside, but in a firestorm on the Northwestern campus.
This article was denounced by NU professors, including one Peter Hayes, who charged Smith with manipulation, deception, distortion, ignorance, intimidation, nastiness, dishonesty, duplicity, maliciousness, and tastelessness (among other things). One thing was clear, the professors did not want a revisionist presence on campus.
Interestingly, even then, students were more open to the airing of both sides of the Holocaust Controversy. The student-run Daily Northwestern printed a rebuttal from Bradley Smith in which he wrote:
Hayes expresses a fear that the real intention of people like myself is to “wear down” people like him. I don’t want to wear down Hayes. I want to talk things over with him. The free exchange of ideas is invigorating, not burdensome.
One might wonder if it was not at that moment, when those words were typeset, that the Campus Project was born.
Since 1991, the project has drawn international attention, as Smith’s advocacy of intellectual freedom and a free press, as well as his presentation of a substantial number of revisionist facts and arguments through his ads, has time and again gotten past campus and off-campus (ADL, most often) Thought Police, to reach a student audience that is numbered in the millions.
By the mid-90’s the Campus Project needed to take on new dimensions. More and more students were turning to the world of technology and utilizing the Internet for both work and play. The need to tap into this new communication medium, reaching students more intimately and with a far greater range of revisionist scholarship and commentary, became obvious.
CODOHWeb was born in the fall of 1995 and the Campus Project shifted gears. No longer would CODOH’s output of revisionist information and ideas on campus be limited to what it could fit into an advertisement. CODOH’s new ads were true ads—they pointed students and faculty alike to CODOHWeb and its vast storehouse of revisionist materials.
Not only has the print medium directed students to CODOHWeb, but CODOHWeb has established a directory that brings the Campus Project itself to the World Wide Web.
The Campus Project On-line features areas of interest on every facet of the Campus Project. Students who want to know more about CODOH’s position and find out more about the project itself have all that information at their fingertips.
Our Website’s Campus Project page begins with a section entitled “Campus Update.” Like the old print version of “Campus Update” issued in the early 90’s, the on-line version lets everyone interested get current on all elements of the Project. Here are Bradley’s rebuttals and commentaries on the criticisms of professors who still profess their faith in the Holocaust orthodoxy. Latest news on the Project can be found on this page. The full text (and rules) of CODOH’s recent $250,000 reward for the individual who can arrange the TV debate between CODOH and the ADL is featured in all its glory.
The Campus Page also provides a “Guest book” where students and faculty members are invited to state their opinion on the question: “Should there be intellectual freedom on the Holocaust subject at your campus?” This unmoderated section gives the students a place to actually debate their position on the Campus Ads and on the topic of revisionism.
For the sake of the historians who will one day chronicle revisionism’s ultimate victory, we have also established archives with the complete texts of all of the CODOH ads and a listing of the colleges where the ads have run. Information is made available to students on how to lend a hand to CODOH by distributing copies of the CODOH pamphlet, “The Holocaust Controversy: The Case for Open Debate.”
Naturally, the Campus Page also provides links to some of the best revisionist writing available, putting articles, often illustrated with photos and diagrams by Butz, Berg, Faurisson, Rudolf and many more of revisionism’s leading scholars at students’ fingertips.
The Campus Page also has a dark side. We have established an area for the words and ideas of the “Campus Thought-Police.” On this page students can contrast the words and ideas of John Stuart Mill and those who would stifle the free exchange of ideas, such as Deborah Lipstadt, Bernie Farber, Michael Berenbaum and of course Professor Peter Hayes. The words of the Thought Police are often quite revealing. The ADL, for example, has commented on the Campus Project:
College students are young, idealistic, predisposed toward the underdog and against authority, often willing to challenge received wisdom, struggling to cope with many new, disorienting ideas and, today, frequently without a strongly formed sense of history.
Surely we are all aware that dark forces are at work to help “form” that sense of history in our young. From what we have seen recently, an increasing number of college students are indeed idealistic and willing to challenge the received wisdom of their time. Perhaps the victory of truth and freedom will be won by the generation of young people who are today beginning to crowd the battlements of liberty and truth that have been established in cyberspace.
The revisionist revolution is one of ideas—one that welcomes the subversion of the dishonest and disorienting paradigms of the past.
Bibliographic information about this document: Smith's Report, no. 59, November 1998, pp. 6f.
Other contributors to this document: n/a
Editor’s comments: n/a