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La politique hitlérienne d’extermination

Le texte suivant, portant arrêt de mort de la recherche historique, a été rédigé par Poliakov et Vidal-Naquet en février 1979 et publié dans Le Monde, qui n’en rate pas une, le 21 février 1979. Seuls trente-quatre historiens acceptèrent de le signer, ce qui prouve la bonne santé de la corporation. Depuis, Vidal-Naquet s’est publiquement…

Die Zahl der Opfer von Auschwitz

For an English translation, click here. Vier Millionen Opfer im nationalsozialistischen Arbeits- und Vernichtungslager Auschwitz-Birkenau zählte 1945 die sowjetische Untersuchungskommission, ein Produkt der Kriegspropaganda. Lagerkommandant Höß nannte unter Druck drei Millionen und widerrief. Wie viele Menschen wirklich diesem singulären Massenmord zum Opfer fielen, ließ sich bislang nur schätzen. Der erste Holocaust-Historiker Gerald Reitlinger vermutete eine…

The Number of Victims of Auschwitz

For the German original article, click here. In 1945 the Soviet investigative committee counted four million victims of the National Socialist labor and extermination camp Auschwitz-Birkenau – a product of war propaganda. The commandant of the camp, Höß, spoke of three million victims under pressure and withdrew his statement. How many people indeed fell victim…

I precursori del revisionismo

In Inghilterra è uscito di recente un libro che pretende di regolare i conti con il revisionismo dell’Olocausto. L’autore del libro è un certo Joe Mulhall. Il libro si intitola: British Fascism After the Holocaust: From the Birth of Denial to the Notting Hill Riots 1939-1958. Lo scopo del libro è quello di dimostrare due…

Auschwitz, 27 Gennaio 1945 – 27 Gennaio 2005: Sessant’anni di propaganda

1) Le menzogne propagandistiche già cadute nell’oblio Il 27 gennaio 1945 le avanguardie sovietiche della 100a Divisione di Fanteria, appartenente alla 60a armata del I Fronte Ucraino, giunsero nel complesso Auschwitz-Birkenau, ormai abbandonato dalle SS. La propaganda sovietica si mise immediatamente all’opera, facendo subito eco, per eccesso di zelo, alle storie più strampalate che circolavano…

Dokumente zur Endlösung der Judenfrage

Seit Politik und Kriegführung vom “Feldherrn Psychologus” beherrscht werden und alle strategischen Zielsetzungen sich an die Erfordernisse des psychologischen Krieges anpassen mußten, ist auch für die Geschichtsforschung eine veränderte Lage entstanden, in der die herkömmlichen Mittel zur Erforschung eines historischen Sachverhaltes nicht mehr ausreichen und neue angemessene Forschungsweisen entwickelt werden müssen. Seit der “Feldherr Psychologus”…

The Toxicity of Fumes from Diesel Engine under Four Different Running Conditions

It has been suggested that fumes from diesel engines make an important contribution to atmospheric pollution. This is probably because they are sometimes highly irritant and sometimes very smoky. It is well known that, because of their comparatively low carbon monoxide content, these fumes arc much less lethal than those from petrol engines.
The leading work on diesel fumes has been done by the U.S. Bureau of Mines. Holtz, Berger, Elliott, and Schrenk (1940) analysed the fumes from engines in proper mechanical conditions, plotting the carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, and aldehyde content against fuel-air ratio.
The present work was directed to ascertaining what were the main toxic constituents of diesel fumes. In order to do this, animals were exposed to the fumes, and at the same time the concentration of various constituents of the fumes was determined; pathological investigations were subsequently carried out on the exposed animals.
In this paper, nitric oxide is designated NO, and nitrogen dioxide NO2. For conversion of parts per million to mg/m³ factors valid at 20°C have been used.

Total Revisionist Collapse – and Resurrection

As reported in last issue’s editorial, the situation at CODOH and Castle Hill had become critical, after one of CODOH’s board members, Michael Santomauro, until mid-December 2023 manager of Castle Hill, had seized all of Castle Hill’s company assets, and had taken exclusive control of domain-name and hosting accounts, using this as “leverage” (his word)…

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