Book Reviews
Nuremberg: A Nation On Trial
Nuremberg: A Nation on Trial. Werner Maser, Scribners, 368 pp, hardback, available from IHR at $18.00. ISBN: 0684-16252-0.
This new book is easily the best so far on the hideous aberration of justice known as the “Nuremberg War Crimes Trials.” The author is a well-known German historian; his biography of Hitler having been an international bestseller.
Many of the more repulsive aspects of Nuremberg which were brought to light in Richard Harwood's Nuremberg a Other War Crimes Trials are underlined in this new book. This time, they are backed up with hard facts and figures, references and interviews. This book is the product of many years of painstaking research. To take just a few samples of Herr Maser's revelations:
When the ashes of the hanged were taken to a small river to be dumped, each urn bore a fictitious Jewish name (p. 12).
Hans Frank was beaten up by two colored GIs as soon as he was arrested (p. 47). So was Julius Streicher (p. 51). who was whipped and forced to drink negro saliva.
The simultaneous interpretation system at the trial was supplied free of charge by IBM, and was often inaccurate (p. 83).
Although the Trial Charter allowed defendants the right to represent themselves, Hess was not allowed to (p. 73).
The defense were not allowed to have copies of many prosecution documents of evidence (p. 97). Defense documents had to be sifted by the prosecution, before they could be submitted in court (p. 98). Many of their documents were confiscated or stolen.
Prosecution witnesses, such as Pohl, were beaten until they would give “correct” evidence (p. 100). Many defense witnesses were not allowed to appear at all.
Affidavits were allowed on the prosecution side, with no opportunity for the defense to cross-examine the authors. The Tribunal announced that it would “take judicial note” of anything which had “probative value” (p. 102).
Agreements to advise the defense of topics to be examined next day in court were dishonored and repudiated (p. 106). Agreements to supply adequate copies and translations of documentary evidence were too (p. 104).
President Roosevelt himself intervened to prevent the truth coming out about Katyn (p. 113).
The hangings of the ten condemned Germans was bungled. Ribbentrop took ten minutes to die (p. 253). Jodl took 18 minutes, and Keitel 24 (p. 255). Streicher groaned for a long time after dropping, Frick had severe wounds on his face and neck, through striking the edge of the trap (p. 255). A journalist who managed to persuade a newspaper to publish photographs of the bloodsmeared faces was arrested. Only touched-up pictures were allowed to be distributed (p. 255). But in a note, the author tells how the American hangmen at Landsberg did an even worse job. GIs standing underneath the gallows had to finish off the victims by stuffing cotton wool down their throats (p. 255f).
The hangman, John C. Woods burned the ropes and hoods immediately after the executions, even though he had been offered $2500 for them as souvenirs (p. 327). He himself narrowly escaped death a few years later while testing an electric chair (p. 254).
Contrary to Harwood, Maser states that the bodies were not cremated in the “gas ovens” at Dachau, but at a city mortuary in Munich, and their ashes dumped into a brook running at the bottom of the yard (p. 13 and p. 256). The remaining prisoners at Nuremberg were made to clean up the blood-spattered gallows (p. 256). The uncanny thing about this new book is that it originated in Germany. Anglo-American Revisionists have become so used to modern German historians running a mile from any criticism of the “Liberation” that many had almost given up hope altogether. But with the Diwald book last year, and now this magnificent work this year, the standard of historiography in the Bundesrepublik certainly seems to be improving.
Report to the President: President's Commission on the Holocaust
Report to the President: President's Commission on the Holocaust. Elie Wiesel (Chairman), Suite 7233, 726 Jackson Pace NW, Washington, DC 20503, 40pp, paperback. ISBN: not given.
Of the many dozens of Holocaust tracts examined by this reviewer, I thought I had become somewhat de-sensitized to the heavy ingredient of neurosis and paranoia which pervades all of them. But on reading Mr. Wiesel's report, I must admit to a profound feeling of astonishment and shock, that the author has not been locked up in a looney-bin a long time ago. Indeed, the author himself describes some of his psychological problems in his introduction:
Why then cling to unbearable memories that may for ever rob us of our sleep? Why not forget, turn the page, and proclaim: let it remain buried beneath the dark nightmares of our subconscious. Why not spare our children the weight of our collective burden and allow them to start their lives free of nocturnal obsessions and complexes free of Auschwitz and its shadows?
Naturally, Mr. Wiesel goes on to explain why both he and succeeding generations should inflict upon themselves this insomnia. According to Wiesel, the survivors'
willingness to share their knowledge, their pain, their anguish, even their agony, is motivated solely by their conviction that their survival was for a purpose. A survivor sees himself as a messenger and guardian of secrets entrusted by the dead.
A cynic might, of course. suggest that the real reason for continually shoving this lie down our throats has rather less to do with preserving epitaphs, and rather more to do with elevating modern-day Zionists above all criticism, on the spurious grounds that to criticize Zionism is to encourage another “Holocaust.”
Wiesel pulls no punches in describing the “Holocaust” as an “Event” (original capitalization … is he confusing it with the TV show of the same name?) which is “essentially Jewish.” One wonders what ever happened to the five million “Others” which have been brought to the fore in Holocaust literature of late?
The Commission took nearly a year to complete its findings. It was composed of 34 members, including at least 24 Jews, some of whom claimed to themselves be “survivors.” One member of the Commission was Bayard Rustin, a convicted Negro sex-pervert. The Commission travelled to eastern Europe and to Israel-they claim at their own personal expense-to examine other nations' Holocaust memorials.
They visited the site of Treblinka, which is “now wooded,” and saw the Polish communist authorities' memorial representing railroad ties, charred skeletons, and a shattered menorah. The standard of aesthetics brings to mind the phoney Soviet memorial at Khatyn, which is supposed to commemorate “war dead” but is in fact a deliberate ploy to draw people's attention away from Katyn, several hundred miles away.
The Commission went on to Auschwitz “without doubt the most lethal of all extermination camps.” This will come as a surprise to Exterminationist scholars such as Gitta Sereny, who say that Auschwitz was not in the main an extermination camp. Later, in Warsaw, the Commission met with communist officials, and arranged for the purchase of communist war propaganda films.
The next stop was the USSR, where Commission members visited Babi Yar, in the suburbs of Kiev. Although “80,000 Jews” were killed there, the Soviet monument bore no reference to “Jews” and so “the Commission was alerted to the danger of historical falsification.” Indeed! Indeed!
On to the colony of Israel where most of the Commission members must have felt really at home. They visited various Holocaust museums, including the Yad Vashem Center; and Nes Ammim, a study center run by Dutch Christians and dedicated to “atonement for the Holocaust.”
Among the somewhat predictable recommendations of the Commission are that a Holocaust memorial and museum should be built and attached to the Smithsonian in Washington, DC. An Educational Foundation should be established to disseminate Holocaust propaganda to schools and colleges throughout the country. A “Committee on Conscience” to be composed of “distinguished moral leaders” should be established to advise the President on potential outbreaks of genocide anywhere in the world. (One wonders if the “distinguished moral leaders” would include in their brief Israeli atrocities against the Palestinians, Lebanese and Syrians?)
A Day of Remembrance should also be established at the end of April (which is already recognized in Israel) so that special church and synagogue services could be co-ordinated. Special liturgies and litanies have already been written, we are told.
In addition, the Commission urges the President to have the Genocide Convention passed (which would make anti-Semitism a crime); that Nazi “war criminals” be vigorously prosecuted; and that the United States interfere in foreign countries if they allow their Jewish cemeteries to sprout too many weeds.
As regards financing, the Commission suggests that Uncle Sam should start the ball rolling with one million dollars, and that the balance of the expenses should come from private subscriptions. This short report does indeed provide a fascinating insight into Exterminationist thinking. The author will use ten words where one would have done. Adjective and descriptions are in lists rather than in any concise form, and are drawn from the peculiar Holocaust lexicon from which all of the Exterminationist scholars seem to draw their vocabulary. Their argot is not one of historiography, nor of any science whatsoever, but one of morbid, paranoid neurosis.
… the merchant from Saloniki, the child from Lodz, the rabbi from Radzimin, the carpenter from Warsaw, and the scribe from Vilna …
(One wonders whatever happened to the kosher-butcher from Cracow, the banker from Bremen, and the stockmarket-speculator from Stuttgart? Weren't they “rounded up” and put on the cattle trucks also?)
Terror-stricken families hiding in ghetto-cellars. Children running with priceless treasures: a potato or two, a crumb of bread … Treblinka and Ponar, Auschwitz and Babi Yar, Majdanek and Belzec … betrayal and torture, anxiety and loss, desperation and agony.
And, needless to say, the human devils of the “Holocaust kingdom” also committed the one crime which has been visited upon Jewish offspring with tedious repetition ever since the Romans rolled up Jewish schoolchildren (all 64 million of them, according to the Talmud) in their Torah scrolls and set fire to them:
… in order to cut expenses and save gas, cost-accountant considerations led to an order to place living children directly into the ovens, or throw them into open burning pits.
Revisionism also gets a look in, in this turgid nightmare world of “charred souls … darkness … flames of darkness … fire … ashes … and torture” which one cannot decide bears closer resemblance to a Hieronymous Bosch painting or a Woody Allen movie:
Little did we know that, in our lifetime, books would appear in many languages offering so-called reproof” that the Holocaust never occurred, that our parents, our friends did not die there. Little did we know that Jewish children would again be murdered, in cold blood by killers in Israel.
The final cost-accounting for the President's Commission on the Holocaust has yet to be published. But whatever the final bill comes to, one cannot help wondering whether the money might not have been better spent on paying for an analyst for poor Mr. Wiesel. He certainly needs it.
The Holocaust Victims Accuse
The Holocaust Victims accuse, Rabbi Moshe Shonfeld, Bnei Yeshivos, 161 East Houston Street #10, New York, NY 10013, 124pp, paperback, $3.00. ISBN: not given.
The sub-title of this book is “Documents and Testimony on Jewish War Criminals.” Its position on the “Holocaust” is a remarkable one. Rabbi Shonfeld belongs to an ultra-orthodox sect of Hassidic (or Chassidic) Jews who regard the state of Israel as a blasphemy. Their view is that Israel may only be founded when the Messiah comes, and, quite obviously, neither David Ben-Gurion, nor Golda Meir, nor Menachem Begin, are the Messiah. Throughout the text, “Israel” is written in quotation marks, in a style that echoes the habit of some Revisionist scholars who insist on writing “Jews” in quotes (since most modern-day Jews are not from Judea at all, but from Khazakhstan). From time to time, the author also refers to “Eretz Yisroel.” The text of the book consists of ten indictments against various wartime Zionist leaders, who in the author's opinion, deliberately sacrificed their fellow Jews in the “Holocaust” so that the elite Jews could be granted passage to Palestine. He also condemns those loud-mouthed Zionists in the United States, who “stupidly antagonized the Nazi fuhrer … by making speeches and blowing shofar in front of the German consulate … and by calling for a boycott of German goods.” The author also apologizes for having to use the term “Holocaust” since it “has been turned into a Zionist battlecry, which we abhor, but have been forced to use for identification purposes.”
The rabbi focuses on the Eichmann trial in Jerusalem, which was the first time Jewish collaboration with the Nazis was brought into the open. He condemns Romkowsky, the leader of the Zionist movement in Lodz, who became a ruthless tyrant when the Nazis put him in charge of the ghetto. A postage stamp bearing his portrait, and an inscription in Yiddish, is shown on page 23. On page 19 there is a picture of the Jewish police in the Kovna ghetto, looking every bit as sinister as the Gestapo in their black uniforms.
The author quotes the Zionist leader Chaim Weizmann, who at the 1937 Zionist Congress in London, stated that only the young Jews should go to Palestine. The aged and infirm would “have to accept their fate.” Henry Montor, of the United Jewish Appeal, said the same. He attacks the Holocaust folk-hero Abba Kovner, who sang his own praises so much on the witness stand at the Eichmann Trial that the judges had to intervene; much to Kovner's chagrin. Contrary to the widely-held impression that Kovner was a courageous anti-Nazi partisan (and p set, to boot!) the author reveals that he was a collaborator, who handed over elderly Jews to the Nazis in order that youthful Jews-such as himself-could be granted passage to Palestine. He backs up his allegation with eye-witness evidence.
Weizmann again comes in for criticism regarding the Joel Brand affair. Brand was a Jew delegated by the Hungarian Zionists in collaboration with Eichmann to negotiate a trucks-for-Jews deal with the Allies in 1944. Weizmann, apparently, refused to see Brand when he arrived in Tel Aviv, and Brand was then arrested by the British.
Dr. Rudolf Kastner is castigated for his role in the trucks-for-Jews deal. Eichmann dressed him up in an SS uniform to take him to Belsen so that he could identify his relatives and friends, and secure their seats on the single train that would be allowed to leave. The rabbi alleges that Kastner bribed Eichmann, and that Eichmann used this money to set up home in Argentina after the war. The starvation in the Jewish ghettos is blamed on American Zionists who picketed the depots from where food parcels were being mailed. Their placards demanded “Stop sending food to the lands of the Nazi enemy!” The author further condemns the Zionists in “Eretz Yisroel” for murdering 250 Jews on board the SS Patria in Haifa harbor in 1940. The idea was to blame this bombing atrocity on the British mandatory authorities.
Despite much fantasizing about the “Holocaust” this book represents an important chapter in the history of the relationship between the Nazis, the Zionists, and the Allies, which has never before been published. A 28 page review of the book is also available from a Mr. M. Qureshi at PO Box 319, Perry, OH 44081, entitled The Great American Holocaust by Zionism (price not known).
Less Than Slaves
Less than Slaves, Benjamin B. Ferencz, Harvard University Press, 250ss, hardback. $15.00. ISBN: 0-674-52525-6.
The author of this latest Exterminationist tome will already be familiar to those Revisionists who have read Richard Harwood's masterpiece of research Nuremberg a Other War Crimes Trials (available from IHR at $2. 50). Dealing with the American Military Trial number 10 – the Krupp trial – Harwood reveals how Ferencz was one of those “American” prosecutors who stayed on in Germany long after the dust had settled at the Nuremberg Court of “Justice.”
Ferencz's task was to secure financial compensation for individual Jews around the world who felt that they had suffered some financial loss at the hands of the Nazis. But this did not prevent him vigorously lobbying against proposed clemency for the many hundreds of German “war criminals” languishing in prison; in part due to Ferencz's efforts in court.
Ferencz's latest book is based on his unique knowledge and experience; first as a prosecutor in the Krupp case, and later as director of the negotiations to secure compensation for Jewish survivors of labor camps. The remarkable thing about this book is that, although it deals almost totally with the Mill of Death itself — Auschwitz — there is hardly any mention at all of “gas chambers” or “Zyklon B” or even an “extermination program.” The only mentions are on page 15, where he quotes Nuremberg document NO-365, which is an unsigned letter; pages 16–21, which rely on the notorious forgery, the Hoss confessions; and on a very few other pages, where the reference to “extermination” is cursory and unreferenced.
According to the author, Jews not fit for work in the Krupp and other plants at Auschwitz would be packed off to nearby Birkenau (Brzezinka) for gassing. The camps of Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka and Chelmno (Kulmhof-an-der-Neer) were the only camps purely for extermination. He also mentions yet another camp called Jungfernhof, near Riga in Latvia, where Jews were shipped from as far away as Austria for extermination. However, he does not attempt to explain why they were sent over 1000 miles for gassing, when they passed en route perfectly functional extermination camps such as Birkenau, Majdanek, Sobibor, and Treblinka, which were all reportedly in full operation, gassing Jews night and day, and belching forth smoke and ashes.
The “revised” Exterminationist view of Ferencz tallies rather closely with that of Gitta Sereny's revision of Holocaust mythology in the New Statesman of 2 November 1979. They both place the exterminations at the four camps Chelmno, Sobibor, Treblinka and Belzec (although Ferencz adds Birkenau and the mysterious Latvian camp, Jungfernhop. Could it be that there is some collusion at work here, whereby the Exterminationist high priests have got together to get their stories straight? Perhaps they realize that the game is up, as far as Auschwitz and the Old Reich camps are concerned, and now they are trying to salvage whatever they can from the rapidly crumbling Holocaust house of cards? They have sought refuge in the only possible corner, which is to maintain that the exterminations took place at camps which have now been obliterated without trace, and that the function of Auschwitz and the western camps was to work people to death.
Regrettably, even this position is somewhat untenable, since this very book is about all those thousands upon thousands of Jews who survived the very “horrific working conditions” which were supposed to destroy people through work! One of the most useful appendices in this very professionally laid out book is a list of claims paid to such survivors. As of the end of 1973, nearly 15,000 claimants from 42 different countries had been paid 52 million Deutschmarks. Perhaps the author's acknowledged origins in Transylvania have something to do with this vampirical campaign.
Ferencz now runs a prestigious law office in New York City which specializes in International Law. His book has already been favorably reviewed in the Communist Daily World (19 December 1979) and in the New York Times Book Review (9 December 1979); in the latter case by the discredited “historian” Martin Gilbert.
Nemesis at Potsdam
Nemesis at Potsdam, Alfred M. de Zayas, Routledge and Kegan Paul, 268pp, paperback, available from IHR at $9.00. ISBN: 0-7 100-9410-9.
This is a new, revised edition of this book first published in 1977. In just three years, it has become a Revisionist classic. It tells the story of the expulsion of the Germans from the eastern territories and the role played by the Anglo-Americans in that atrocity.
Over 2 million Germans did not survive the rigors of their uprooting and forced expulsion, yet the event is hardly even known outside of Germany. The text is factual and referenced; unlike the hysteria and neurosis exhibited in so many “Holocaust” tracts.
There are 7 maps, and 62 illustrations, many of which ought to be reproduced and circulated to those gullible people still taken in by the “Six Million” myth. Plate 34 shows naked German children expelled from an orphanage in Danzig, looking every bit as emaciated as any inmate of Belsen. Plates 26, 27 and 30 show refugees being transported on open goods cars; forced to leave their homelands without any of their possessions whatsoever.
Detailed appendices show formerly-secret British documents which prove that the British knew how terrible the problem was, but refused to do anything about it, for fear of upsetting our “gallant” Soviet allies.
The Holocaust
The Holocaust, by Martin Gilbert, Hill & Wang, 19 Union Square West, New York, NY 10003, 59 pp, paperback, $3.45, ISBN: 0-8090-1389-4.
According to its endorser, Rabbi Marc Tannenbaum, this book is a perfect and convincing rejoinder to the current perverse efforts on the part of certain hostile groups and individuals to deny the reality of the massive human tragedy inflicted with particular de monism against the Jewish people by the Nazis.
Just as Rabbi Tannenbaum would not win any prizes for precis work in an English usage class, neither would this book win any awards for accuracy. The author Martin Gilbert holds the prestigious position in England as of ficial biographer of Sir Winston Churchill. Perhaps that is why the modern public holds an extremely distorted picture of this drunken chameleon who is usually regarded as a genial, avuncular, Santa Claus?
Gilbert's Holocaust is riddled with errors and misrepresentations. On page 47 he shows a picture of American troops liberating Belsen. If he knew anything at all about the subject he purports to be an expert in, he would know that Belsen was liberated by the British. The photo he shows is of Dachau.
On page 17, he gives the figure of “more than 40,000 dead at Dachau.” Yet, a Jewish survivor of Dachau wrote in the Los Angeles Times (6 January 1980) that only 31,951 perished during its entire 12 years of existence. At least we should he thankful for small mercies in that Gilbert does not attempt to resurrect the longdiscredited canard that inmates were gassed at Dachau.
Although the book contains many meticulously drawn maps and diagrams (which are an extremely useful tool for any Revisionist scholar) nowhere in the book can we find any actual proof of gassings. We see people lined up, we are told, “for gassing.” We see skulls and corpses, we are again told of the “gassed.” But nowhere is there a photo of people being herded into, or standing in, a “gas chamber.” We don't even get a picture of the alleged “gas chamber” which is today shown to visitors at the Auschwitz museum. Ironically, it falls to a fellow Exterminationist to have the final word in reviewing Mr. Gilbert's historical abilities. In a startling four-page article in the London New Statesman (2 November 1979) Ms. Gitta Sereny (“mother-confessor” of Franz Stangl) pans the otherwise “reputable historian.” She tells how Gilbert has been taken in by survivor testimonies and films (!) which “were only partly true, or even were partly faked.” She goes on to show how Gilbert was duped into making all kinds of incorrect assertions about Treblinka, because he believed the word of notorious hoaxters such as Jean Francois Steiner and Martin Gray. Ms. Sereny even indicates that she herself was approached to help ghost write the Treblinka experiences of Gray, who “had manifestly never been” there.
Martin Gilbert was a graduate of, and is now a professor of history at, Oxford University. This book certainly says a lot about the standards of excellence throughout the British “Ivy League.”
American Manifest Destiny and the Holocausts
American Manifest Destiny and the Holocausts, by Conrad Grieb (editor), Examiner Books, PO Box 783, New York City, NY 10022, 380pp, paperback, $8.00. ISBN: not given.
This remarkable collection of documents represents an essential archive for any scholar wishing to investigate the other “Holocausts.” There are reprints from The American Mercury, The Spotlight, Blasting the Historical Blackout, The New York Times, Congressional Record, and many less well known organs. The materials are fully indexed and referenced.
The Barnes Trilogy
The Barnes Trilogy, by Harry Elmer Barnes, Institute for Historical Review, 144pp, paperback, $4.00. ISBN: 0-911038-56-6.
This is a new reprint of three of Barnes' last pamphlets, where one can trace his development as a full-fledged, out-of-the closet, Historical Revisionist. Of course, this is not the first time these pamphlets have been published in a collection. In 1972 Arno Press (part of the New York Times group) published a collection of eight of his pamphlets including these same three. The Arno tithe Selected Revisionist Pamphlets (also available from IHR at $15.00), has several shortcomings, which hopefully the new Barnes Trilogy will put to rights.
First, the IHR book is a much better value than the Arno edition, and can thus be distributed to a much wider audience. Second, the pamphlets are in chronological order in IHR's book, but not in Arno's. Third, IHR provides a detailed and factual introduction, by IHR Chief Lewis Brandon, which guides the reader through Barnes' work, drawing attention to important features. The reader of Arno is left to fend for himself. Finally, the IHR edition shows dates of publication, which Arno omits altogether.
In summary, it would seem that the shoestring Institute for Historical Review can teach a few publishing lessons to even the grandest of Madison Avenue outfits.
Dealing in Hate
Dealing in Hate, Dr. Michael F. Connors, Institute for Historical Review, 40pp, paperback, $2.50. ISBN: 0-911038-55-8.
This new booklet is an excellent introduction for any student of black propaganda. The author argues that we have been deliberately manipulated into a “hate Germany” attitude, and led to believe that the Huns are much more prone to warfare than any other nation. He logs the outbreaks of warfare over the past century, and shows that Germany has committed far fewer acts of aggression than her European neighbors.
He examines the manipulation of public opinion through the invention of atrocity rumors and shows how some of the canards-such as the famous “soap factory” yarn-were actually recycled during WWII, even after they had been exposed after the end of WWI!
He concludes by giving a few examples of the hysterical, anti-German outbursts which have emanated from Zionist sources, and censures those authors such as Shirer who still continue in this neurotic vendetta.
Although the book was written and first published in 1962, it remains as fresh as ever in this new edition, with an eye-catching, graphic cover. One should go on from here and read The First Casualty by Phillip Knightly ($14.50 from IHR) and Falsehood in Wartime by Arthur Ponsonby (IHR, $4.00).
Assault on the Liberty
Assault on the Liberty, James M. Ennes, Jr., Random House, 300pp, hardback. ISBN: 0394-50512-3.

Subtitled “The True Story of the Israeli Attack on an American Intelligence Ship,” this book must certainly carry much more clout than its predecessor: It was written by a crew member.
Ennes was a cryptological officer on board the USS Liberty when it was attacked and 34 of its crew killed by Israeli marines in 1967. Ennes was aghast that the whole affair should be hushed up and that the American government should meekly accept the Israelis' lies. He felt it his duty to his 34 murdered comrades that the truth should be told. Consequently, he set about the arduous task of interviewing dozens of officials, and collating hundreds of documents. Many times he was warned to drop the subject.
It was not until he finally left the service in 1978 that he could speak freely. This book is the result. It is packed with details and first-hand accounts. This book truly is “survivor testimony “
There is such attention to detail here that it puts to shame the one previous work on this subject, Conspiracy of Silence, by journalist Anthony Pearson. Although Ennes does not mention the previous book by name, he does have a few scathing comments for those who speculate on fantastic, impossible devices which would intercept and scramble radio messages before re-transmitting them.
Roosevelt, Churchill, and the World War Two Opposition
Roosevelt, Churchill and the World War Two Oppostion, George T. Eggleston, 256pp, hardback, available from IHR at $14.00. ISBN: 0-8159-5311-9.
When the war clouds gathered over Europe in the late 1930's, George T. Eggleston, along with Col. Charles Lindbergh, John Marquand and others, was determined that we should not become involved in the second “War-to-end-all-Wars.” He became editor-in-chief of a new magazine, Scribner's Commentator, dedicated to keeping America out. The fact that more than 80% of the American people were opposed to our entering the war helped make the publication an instant success. This success, and the growing influence of the America First movement generally, was not lost on Franklin D. Roosevelt and the others who were determined to involve the United States.
Roosevelt, Churchill, and The World War Two Opposition is the story of Eggleston's efforts to keep us out of the war and what happened to him as a result. “An amazing expose of harassment by the U.S. Government,” writes DeWitt Wallace, founding editor of Reader's Digest. “The story needs to be told as an example of what has happened in the U.S.A. and what could happen again.”
Bibliographic information about this document: The Journal of Historical Review, vol. 1, no. 2 (summer 1980), pp. 173-185
Other contributors to this document: n/a
Editor’s comments: n/a