
Free downloads of revisionist books, magazines, audios, and videos.

When Thibault Met Alison Chabloz (1:00:10 min)

When Thibault met Alison Chabloz In this video (one hour and ten minutes) Thibault interviews the attractive and highly talented English singer-songwriter, Alison Chabloz. Alison tells Thibault about her situation, her songs, the measures taken by the European (sic) Union to attack free speech and to protect Zionist lies like the "gas chambers" drivel. Alison…

Joseph Halow – Innocent at Dachau (Part 2 of 2) (28:20)

Joseph Halow discusses his book Innocent at Dachau (Part 2 of 2)  Joseph was a court reporter at the "trials" held at Dachau, by the US  occupation forces of Germans accused of "war crimes". He looks back (28 minutes) at the "trials" through his memories and the transcripts and reaveals how the "trials" were completely unjust. Highly…

Ernst Zündel: The True Story of German-Jewish Relations 4 of 12 (28:00 min)

Ernst Zundel The true story of German Jewish relations. (sous-titres en français) Ernst Zundel (1939-2017) was a Canadian of German descent, who fought against and exposed the holoco$t fraud for many many years. He suffered persecution by Zionists, who pipebombed his home, physically assaulted him and supporters, and dragged him through the courts on spurious archaic…

Ernst Zündel: The True Story of German-Jewish Relations (1 of 12) (27:31)

Ernst Zundel The true story of German-Jewish relations. In this Voice of Freedom broadcast (28 minutes) Ernst Zundel (1939 – 2017) looks at the relationship between Germans and Jews in the time of the (so-called) Second World War. Ernst examines important books in this "relationship", such as Other Losses, and Eisenhower's Death Camps. He looks…

Examining the Evidence of the Holocaust aka One Third of the Holocaust 2002 Books Part 1 of 2 (2 hrs:5 min)

Examining the Evidence of the Holocaust aka One Third of the Holocaust 2002 Books Part 1 of 2. This video (two hours) looks at the camps of Treblinka, Sobibor and Belzec. These camps were established by the Germans as transit camps for the Jews to be sent to the Russian East. They were garrisoned by…

Lady Michele Renouf Jailing Opinions 1 of 3 (2006) (43:42)

Lady Michele Renouf Jailing Opinions 1 of 3 In this video Richard Edmonds, a speaker from England, speaks (43 minutes) to a meeting in January 2006. Richard talks at length about the falsity of the "gas chambers". Richard talks about the importance of free speech, free enquiry, and free discussion. Richard talks about the Nuremberg…

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