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Memorabilia: The Life and Death of Heinrich Himmler by David Irving

If not the most knowledgeable historian on matters of the Third Reich, David Irving is one of the leading historians in this field. Here is the other side of the story about Heinrich Himmler. David Irving, is a best selling author of many books on the Third Reich, and an incredible researcher. He has written…

Memorabilia: Doug Christie Debates Human Rights Hack on the Cherington TV show (June 1984)

Douglas Christie, The battling barrister and freedom of speech advocate demolishes the head of the Ontario "Human Rights" Commission, Dr Bhausaheb Ubale on the issue of Freedom of Speech and out of control "human rights" which are being used to silence critics and enforce their "guilty until proven innocent" mantra which forces Canadians to fight…

David Irving Interview: An Independent Mind (Part 2 of 2)

The English Centre of International PEN reviewed the film approvingly: THE final interview, and arguably the most controversial, was with the historian David Irving. While he still vehemently denies accusations of racism, anti-Semitism and Holocaust denial, Irving conceded that he had voiced "doubts and scepticism" about Auschwitz during a speech he had given in Austria…

David Irving Interview: An Independent Mind (Part 1 of 2)

The English Centre of International PEN reviewed the film approvingly: THE final interview, and arguably the most controversial, was with the historian David Irving. While he still vehemently denies accusations of racism, anti-Semitism and Holocaust denial, Irving conceded that he had voiced "doubts and scepticism" about Auschwitz during a speech he had given in Austria…

Holocaust Revisionism, Free Speech, the New Internet Rae West Talk in 1997 + Q & A

A 1997 speech on Internet Free Speech and Revisionism – Rae West. This video includes Questions-and-Answers. Before the big revolution that the Internet caused on media, consider the next seven points, taken into consideration that some of this still happens now: 1. Revisionist criticisms aren't new, but have been suppressed; 2. There have been and…

Memorabilia: Confessions of a Holocaust Revisionist, Chapter One

Confessions of a Holocaust Revisionist tells the story of how I first became aware of revisionist arguments challenging the orthodox Holocaust story, how it felt—how it felt was that it made me feel ashamed and made the palms of my hands sweat—and the first information I had the misfortune (?) to discover that there were…

Memorabilia: The Murder of Heinrich Himmler (1999)

David Irving, considered to be among the most knowledgeable historians on Nazi Germany- the Third Reich, talks about the murder of Heinrich Himmler and the lack of information on the entire event. David introduces Joseph Bellinger, who has researched the death of Himmler. Himmler was supposedly a victim by his own hand, by poisoning with a cyanide…

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