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Memorabilia: David Irving: British Historian Analysis of the Holocaust (3 of 3)

David Irving's analysis of the Holocaust legend. David Irving, the brilliant author of many a bestseller and incredible researcher speaks in Toronto, Canada, in 1985 about how he joined the "ranks of the dammed". David found that his disbelief started at the Zundel trial in 1985. One of his correspondents, commentated that his "disbelieving" the…

Memorabilia: David Irving: British Historian Analysis of the Holocaust (2 of 3 )

David Irving's analysis of the Holocaust legend. David Irving, the brilliant author of many a bestseller and incredible researcher speaks in Toronto, Canada, in 1985 about how he joined the "ranks of the dammed". David found that his disbelief started at the Zundel trial in 1985. One of his correspondents, commentated that his "disbelieving" the…

Memorabilia: David Irving: British Historian Analysis of the Holocaust (1 of 3 )

David Irving's analysis of the Holocaust legend. David Irving, the brilliant author of many a bestseller and incredible researcher speaks in Toronto, Canada, in 1985 about how he joined the "ranks of the dammed". David found that his disbelief started at the Zundel trial in 1985. One of his correspondents, commentated that his "disbelieving" the…

Memorabilia: Your Ward News Permanently Banned from Canadian Mail Live Stream with Paul Fromm

Your Ward News, a group of people who deal with free-speech issues and other topics, has been shut down by the Canadian Mail Services, which is a violation of the constituent’s rights to use the mails. Follow up on this new way of banning free speech and the free exchange of ideas.

Memorabilia: Prof. Arthur Butz, Historical Past vs Political Present at the 13th IHR Conference

Professor Dr. Arthur Butz speaking at the 13th IHR Conference in 2000, on the topic "Historical Past vs. Political Present". Arthur R. Butz was born and raised in New York City. In 1965 he received his doctorate in Control Sciences from the University of Minnesota. In 1966 he joined the faculty of Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois,…

Ted O'Keefe on Schindler’s List

Ted O'Keefe talks (58 minutes) about this famous and duplicitous film by Hollywood impresario Steven Spielberg,  Schindler's List, at the 2000 IHR Conference. A brilliant expose of Swindler's List, a fictional, pornographic, totally inaccurate, tear-jerking, Zionist holoschlock, drivel. The Spielberg “film” is exposed as sick anti-German hate propaganda.

Memorabilia: Ernst Zündel: The Holocaust of Dresden

Ernst Zundel explores the horrors of the Allies' destruction of Dresden. Ernst Zundel (1939 – 2014) was a dedicated fighter for the truth against the "Holocau$t" atrocity lie. Here, he shows a real offering by fire (Holocaust) offered up by Winston Spencer-Churchill, by the Royal Air Force, against the city and people of Dresden. Winston…

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