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Monika Schaefer’s Second Talk with Brian Ruhe since Leaving a German Jail

This is Monika Schaefer's second visit on The Brian Ruhe Show since being freed from an Allied puppet state prison in Germany after 10 months imprisonment for exposing the "Holocau$t" as a fraud. Monika and her brother Alfred, have been active in rebutting the Holocau$t lie. Both Monika and Alfred have recieved prison sentences in…

A Chat with Paul Fromm: Canadian Freedom of Speech Fighter (October 2015)

Watch this Special English language edition of the program "8, 9, 10" on Channel TLV1 (Toda La Verdad Primero – "The Truth and Nothing but the Truth") in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in which Juan Manuel Soaje Pinto (Director of TLV1) and international analyst Adrian Salbuchi interview PAUL FROMM, Director of the Canadian Association for Free…

Monika Schaefer’s Second Talk with Brian Ruhe since Leaving a German Jail

This is Monika Schaefer's second visit on The Brian Ruhe Show since being freed from an Allied puppet state prison in Germany after 10 months imprisonment for exposing the "Holocau$t" as a fraud. Monika and her brother Alfred, have been active in rebutting the Holocau$t lie. Both Monika and Alfred have recieved prison sentences in…

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