
The German concentration camp system in general. In its sub-categories you can find contributions focusing on certain camps.

David McCalden’s Auschwitz The Holocaust Revisited (Part 1 )

This video (One hour 32 minutes) is Part 1 of 3. Part 1, Auschwitz, In 1987, David McCalden and Andrew Allen investigated Auschwitz with surprising results. This video documentary follows their investigation of the Auschwitz main camp. Their tour of the camp differs from the one the tour guides will show you. Part 2, Birkenau,…

Josef Mengele – the Creation of a Myth

May I ask my dear reader whether he or she recognizes any of the following names: Fritz Klein, Heinz Thilo, Bruno Kitt, Erwin von Helmersen, Werner Rohde, Hellmuth Vetter, Horst Schumann, Carl Clauberg, Hans Wilhelm König, Franz Lucas, Alfred Trzebinski, Oskar Dienstbach, Siegfried Schwela, Franz von Bodmann, Kurt Uhlenbroock, Eduard Wirths, Hans Münch, Johann Paul…

One Survivor, One Single Survivor!

Abstract Orthodox Holocaust scholars reject the revisionist claim that the so-called Aktion Reinhardt Camps were transit camps for Jewish deportees on their way to the East. They challenge revisionists to show them one Jew, one single Jew, who was deported through any of those camps and survived. This paper presents evidence of thousands of Jews…

Zyklon-B Deliveries to Auschwitz

Abstract Already during the Nuremberg postwar trials, the huge amount of Zyklon-B deliveries to the infamous Auschwitz Camp were seen as evidence for homicidal activities on a large scale in that camp. Revisionists, on the other hand, have maintained that this insecticide was used only to combat vermin in the struggle against epidemics. In a…

Kula’s Columns Revisited

Abstract Since 2000 at the latest, the former Polish Auschwitz inmate Michał Kula has been quoted by mainstream Holocaust historians as the key witness describing how exactly Zyklon B was introduced in the homicidal gas chambers claimed to have existed in Crematoria II and III located in the Auschwitz-Birkenau Camp. This paper analyzes several of…

Poor Josef Mengele!

If anything is certain about Josef Mengele, it is that he was not the monster that mass-media represented. In fact he was a man hounded and oppressed by reckless propaganda, culminating in Hollywood's depiction of him as the wealthy mastermind of a global Nazi conspiracy in The Boys from Brazil (1978) the year before his…

A Study of the Cyanide Compounds Content in the Walls of the Gas Chambers in the Former Auschwitz and Birkenau Concentration Camps

ABSTRACT: In a widespread campaign to deny the existence of extermination camps with gas chambers the “revisionists” have recently started using the results of the examinations of fragments of ruins of former crematoria. These results (Leuchter, Rudolf) allegedly prove that the materials under examination had not been in contact with cyanide, unlike the wall fragments…

Curated Lies

Your browser does not support the video tag, but you can download the video here. Since the early 1990s, revisionist historians have published an increasing amount of research about the infamous German facility at Ausch­witz in what is now Poland. This research surpasses the work of the Auschwitz Museum’s own research department in both quantity…

Healthcare at Auschwitz

Your browser does not support the video tag, but you can download the video here. The famous Italian Holocaust survivor Primo Levi informed us in his eyewitness account Survival in Auschwitz that a number of sickbays and infirmaries etc. existed in the area of the Auschwitz camp. The present book gives an overview of the…

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