
The German concentration camp system in general. In its sub-categories you can find contributions focusing on certain camps.

Addendum to “Evidence for the Presence of “Gassed” Jews in the Occupied Eastern Territories, Part 1”

After the publication of “Evidence for the Presence of ‘Gassed’ Jews in the Occupied Eastern Territories, Part 1”1 in the summer issue of Inconvenient History I have came across numerous pieces of information prompting additions to the same text, which were incorporated in a recently published online Swedish version of the article.2 Since many of…

New “Memorial Center” Planned for the Sobibór “Death Camp”

By Thomas Kues On 17 August 2010 the Zionist news site YNet published the following item: “Israel will continue to support efforts to set up a memorial center at Sobibor, according to an agreement reached by the director general of the Ministry of Information and Diaspora Affairs Ronen Plot and the Chairman of the Yad…

Thomas Mann’s War-time Radio Speeches and the Genesis of the Mass Gassing Allegations

By Thomas Kues Thomas Mann (b. 1875) is one of the most well known German writers of the 20th century, famous for among others the novels Buddenbrooks, Tonio Kröger, Death in Venice and The Magic Mountain. In 1905 he married the Jewess Katia Pringsheim. In 1929 he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature. Already…

New website challenging Elie Wiesel on tattoo and other identity issues

by Carolyn Yeager I Con the World Is Elie Wiesel an icon or an “I con?” Venerated and billed as “the world’s most famous Holocaust survivor” and a Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, earning hundreds of thousands of dollars every year in speaking fees (at $25,000 a pop it might be closer to say a million),…

The ”Sonderkommandos” of Auschwitz

By Carlo Mattogno In my study Special Treatment in Auschwitz. Origin and Meaning of a Term[1] I have written as follows: «“Special Units” of the CrematoriaDanuta Czech explains the origin and meaning of the term “Sonderkommando” (special unit) as follows:“The extermination camp created also one other group of people, those who were forced to work…

Sobibór: Holocaust Propaganda and Reality

By Carlo Mattogno It is an acknowledged fact that Holocaust historiography reached its peak in 2002 and has since begun a gradual and inexorable decline. Revisionist historiography, by contrast, has flourished in the last decade. As for myself, I have in this time published a dozen studies, the most recent being Auschwitz: assistenza sanitaria, “selezione”…

The “Special Treatment” of Registered Auschwitz Inmates

By Carlo Mattogno In a discussion of my study Special Treatment in Auschwitz. Origin and Meaning of a Term (Theses & Dissertations Press, Chicago 2004), Holocaust blogger Sergey Romanov puts forth the following critique: «Mattogno discusses lots of Auschwitz documents which contain the code words, and an unsuspecting reader might be duped into believing that…

Traces of a Chimera, or Bełżec’s Vanishing Gas Chamber Building

By Thomas Kues 1. The Alleged Second Phase Gas Chamber Building at Bełżec According Israeli historian Yitzhak Arad [1] the first gas chamber building at Bełżec, a wooden barrack containing three chambers each measuring 4 x 8 meters, was torn down sometime in late June 1942 and replaced with a larger, more solid building measuring…

Elie Wiesel: New Documents

By Carlo Mattogno After the publication of my article Elie Wiesel: “The Most Authoritative Living Witness” of The Shoah?[1] I learned about a Hungarian website on which Miklòs Grüner has compiled a substantial documentation regarding this subject.[2] Grüner has, for years, made highly commendable efforts to ascertain Elie Wiesel’s personality, but his work has been…

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