Orthodoxy Criticized

Critique and counter-critique is one of the hallmarks of a scholarly attitude, so it goes without saying that revisionists are taking their opponents’ arguments and responses seriously. Hence, this section addresses the theses of several orthodox scholars on the Holocaust which have evoked revisionist responses. Although most orthodox scholars insist that revisionist arguments are not even worth looking at, a number of them have in fact breached the taboo and have not only looked at revisionist arguments, but have actually deigned to criticize them in one way or other. The revisionist responses and rebuttals can be found here as well.

New â€Official’ Changes in the Auschwitz Story

Since the end of World War II, authoritative claims about the character and scope of killings at the Auschwitz concentration camp have changed drastically. One particularly striking change concerns the various “official” estimates of the number of victims – a number that since 1945 has been steadily declining. Fritjof Meyer Today, more than half a…

So, Who Was Right, Then?

David Irving addresses the 13th IHR Conference, May 28, 2000. A commentary by David Irving, issued in Sept. 2002, on Fritjof Meyer’s May 2002 Osteuropa article. In January 1995 the French news magazine L’Express reported that Auschwitz staff now admitted that the gas-chamber known as “Krema [Crematorium] I” (the one still shown to visitors) had…

Was Holocaust Survivor Viktor Frankl Gassed at Auschwitz?

A recent article has revealed that Viktor Frankl, the famous psychiatrist and emblematic Auschwitz survivor, greatly embroidered on his meager time at Auschwitz. This news casts a shadow over the veracity of Frankl’s famous memoir, Man’s Search for Meaning. Of even more interest, however, is a question that arises when considering the Auschwitz State Museum’s…

Destruction Destroyed

The Giant with Feet of Clay: Raul Hilberg and His “Standard Work” on the Holocaust by JĂĽrgen Graf. Capshaw, Alabama: Theses and Dissertations Press, 2001. Paperback. 128 pages. Index, bibliography, illustrations. Raul Hilberg In The Giant with Feet of Clay, the able and productive revisionist researcher and polemicist JĂĽrgen Graf has undertaken to examine the…

A Holocaust Expert Moves from Moral Certainty toward Open Debate

The Case for Auschwitz: Evidence from the Irving Trial by Robert Jan van Pelt. Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press, 2002. Hardcover. Index, bibliography, illustrations. Samuel Crowell is the pseudonym of a graduate of the University of California (Berkeley). There he studied philosophy, foreign languages (including German, Polish, Russian, and Hungarian), and modern European history. Crowell…

The Basement Showers of Crematorium III

Samuel Crowell is the pen name of an American writer who describes himself as a “moderate revisionist.” At the University of California (Berkeley) he studied philosophy, foreign languages (including German, Polish, Russian, and Hungarian), and history, including Russian, German,and German-Jewish history. He continued his study of history at Columbia University. For six years he worked…

A Brief History of Forensic Examinations of Auschwitz

Germar Rudolf had completed his doctoral dissertation in chemistry while working at the renowned Max Planck Institute in Stuttgart, when publication of his forensic study of the alleged gas chambers of Auschwitz caused university authorities to forbid him from completing the doctorate. In 1995 Rudolf was sentenced to fourteen months in jail for authoring the…

Lying about Hitler

Lying about Hitler: History, Holocaust, and the David Irving Trial, by Richard J. Evans. New York: Basic Books, 2001. Hardcover. 318 pp. Doubtless one of the more memorable episodes from last year’s libel trial of David Irving v. Deborah Lipstadt was the lengthy clash between Irving, acting as his own attorney, and expert witness Richard…

Denying History

Denying History: Who Says the Holocaust Didn’t Happen and Why Do They Say It? by Michael Shermer & Alex Grobman. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2000. Hardcover. 312 pages. Bibliography. Index. For some years now Michael Shermer, an adjunct professor at Occidental College and the editor of Skeptic magazine, has been a fixture on the…

Labels And Libels: David Irving and “Holocaust Denial'

Joseph Sobran is a nationally-syndicated columnist, lecturer, author, and editor of the monthly newsletter Sobran's. This essay is reprinted from the March 2000 issue of Sobran's ([…address defunct, since the author is deceased; ed.]) An important libel suit is under way in London. David Irving, the controversial British historian of World War II, is suing…

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