Orthodoxy Criticized

Critique and counter-critique is one of the hallmarks of a scholarly attitude, so it goes without saying that revisionists are taking their opponents’ arguments and responses seriously. Hence, this section addresses the theses of several orthodox scholars on the Holocaust which have evoked revisionist responses. Although most orthodox scholars insist that revisionist arguments are not even worth looking at, a number of them have in fact breached the taboo and have not only looked at revisionist arguments, but have actually deigned to criticize them in one way or other. The revisionist responses and rebuttals can be found here as well.

Is the Holocaust an Indisputable Fact As World Leaders Say?

On December 11 and 12 of 2006, a watershed event took place in this history of the Holocaust revisionist movement, that group of scholars, intellectuals and activists who claim there are lies and exaggerations in the traditional Jewish Holocaust story. The Islamic Republic of Iran hosted a two-day conference on the Holocaust, in which both…

Incitement to Hate?

The court document of the United States Court of Appeals in the case filed by Germar Rudolf (Scheerer) against his deportation contains an important point that needs examination.[1] The document provides the following background information: Scheerer, a native and citizen of Germany, fled his home in 1995 after he was convicted and sentenced to 14…

A Holocaust Revisionist Critique of the Thinking of Deborah Lipstadt

Preliminary Note: In the interest of fairness and accuracy, the following essay was emailed to Dr. Deborah Lipstadt prior to its publication on the CODOH web site. She was asked to identify any problems, errors, misinterpretations, falsities, etc. If need be, these would be eliminated or corrected. Paul Grubach and CODOH have no desire whatsoever…

The Non-Existent “Auschwitz Gas Chambers” of Deborah Lipstadt and Robert Jan van Pelt

Preliminary note: This essay is dedicated to the Holocaust revisionist scholar, Dr. Robert Faurisson. He was the first to point out the chemical and toxicological impossibility of these Auschwitz gas chamber stories. Part 1 I In her 1993 critique of the Holocaust revisionist movement, Denying the Holocaust: The Growing Assault on Truth and Memory, prominent…

The David Irving Case Unfolds

In early January, a libel trial convened in London, pitting dissident historian David Irving against Deborah Lipstadt, an American professor of religion. Irving, the plaintiff, claims that Lipstadt libeled him in her book, “Denying the Holocaust”, charging that she made many false statements about him and his associations and that as a direct result of…

Convergence of Evidence

In winter-spring of 2000, British historian David Irving brought a libel suit against American author Deborah Lipstadt and her publisher, Penguin Books, in the High Court in London, claiming that he was libeled in her anti-revisionist tome,Denying the Holocaust: The Growing Assault on Truth and Memory. Lipstadt and company’s defense attorneys assembled a team of…

In Defense of Holocaust Revisionism

Denying History: Who Says The Holocaust Never Happened And Why Do They Say It? by Michael Shermer and Alex Grobman; forward by Arthur Hertzberg. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2000. Clothbound, 312 pages, $27.50, Hb., ISBN 0-520-21612-1 In the annals of anti-revisionist literature, this book occupies an important position, for it is an ambitious attempt…

Toro! Toro! Toro!

No, this is not a what-if scenario exploring the outcome of Mexico or Spain attacking Pearl Harbor. Rather, it is an example of what is produced when the illogical grow frustrated and take a penultimate defensive stand, which is to fall back on ridicule. (The ultimate is plain old ugly invective.) An early tactic, if…

Forked Tongues

“We are the shoes, we are the last witnesses.”—caption attached to a photo of a heap of shoes by U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum (See: http://www.ihr.org/jhr/v17/v17n5p29_Faurisson.html) It should come as no surprise to anyone over the age of twelve with an average intelligence that governments lie. Not just other governments, but the government that collects taxes…

Holocaust Revisionism vs. Richard Evans

Lying About Hitler: History, Holocaust, and the David Irving Trials, Richard J. Evans, New York, 2001 As most visitors to this site already know, from January to April 2000 the high-profile libel case brought by British historian David Irving against Jewish American historian Deborah Lipstadt and her publisher, Penguin Books, was tried in the British…

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