Orthodoxy Criticized

Critique and counter-critique is one of the hallmarks of a scholarly attitude, so it goes without saying that revisionists are taking their opponents’ arguments and responses seriously. Hence, this section addresses the theses of several orthodox scholars on the Holocaust which have evoked revisionist responses. Although most orthodox scholars insist that revisionist arguments are not even worth looking at, a number of them have in fact breached the taboo and have not only looked at revisionist arguments, but have actually deigned to criticize them in one way or other. The revisionist responses and rebuttals can be found here as well.

Christian Gerlach’s The Extermination of the European Jews

This time we will take on the latest comprehensive elaboration on the Holocaust written by a mainstream historian: The Extermination of the European Jews (Cambridge University Press, 2016) by German historian Christian Gerlach, professor of modern history at the University of Bern and associate editor of the Journal of Genocide Research. The book’s content is…

The Chemistry of Auschwitz/Birkenau

Defenders of the Holocaust story have attempted to discredit scientific reports which disprove the existence of homicidal gas chambers at German camps during World War II. For example, Deborah Lipstadt’s defense attorney, Richard Rampton, referred in court to The Leuchter Report as “…a piece of so-called research which is not worth the paper it is…

The Lies and Deceptions of Deborah Lipstadt

Abstract With her book Denying the Holocaust, Deborah Lipstadt tried to show the flawed methods and extremist motives of “Holocaust deniers,” who, so the book’s description claims, have “no more credibility than the assertion that the earth is flat.” The following is the transcript a video documentary based on the book Bungled: “Denying the Holocaust.”…

Arad on Majdanek

Holocaust historians claim that the Holocaust is the most-documented event in human history. Holocaust revisionists on the other hand not only dispute this, but say that the storyline is full of contradictions and impossibilities. What to make of this? Majdanek Museum Sometimes it can be pretty hard to figure things out. So let’s try something…

The Holocaust: A New History

Laurence Rees, The Holocaust: A New History, Penguin Books, 2017. Greetings dear readers, we’re back again with another episode of our lovable historian and award winner Laurence Rees, the former Creative Director of History Programmes for the BBC. (For the first episode see here). This time, we are going to have a look at his…

Memorabilia: David Irving on the Lipstadt Trial: The Truth

David Irving gives us the real deal with his trial with Deborah Lipstadt, free speech, German and other Europeans censorship and the freedom of internet at risk. David Irving, best selling British writer, and incredible researcher, talks about his recent "trial" with Deborah Lipstadt, a hideous Jewish "professor" who thinks it's fine to defame Germans…

Genoud, Heim & Picker’s “Table Talks”

Abstract Hitler’s Table Talks is a worthless primary source. There, I said it. And I’m not just saying this to evoke a reaction. I’m saying it because I really mean it. The renowned “Hitler expert” Lord Dacre, better known as Hugh Trevor-Roper, knowingly and willingly engaged in a massive cover-up regarding Hitler’s Table Talks (hereafter…

The Orthodox Holocaust Narrative as a Conspiracy Theory

RĂ©mi Perron, RĂ©visionnisme contre complotisme. Paris: Editions Plein Soleil, 2016. 152 pp., bibliography, index. This book can be purchased at the French publisher’s website François Fradin, Notes sur l’extermino-complotisme et le rĂ©visionnisme. Rome: La Sfinge, 2016. 134 pp., bibliography, index. This book can be purchased at the French publisher’s website Abstract Holocaust revisionism is increasingly…

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