Statistics + Demography

“Six million Jews died during the Holocaust.” Really? How do we know? What do the statistics tell us?

One Survivor, One Single Survivor!

Abstract Orthodox Holocaust scholars reject the revisionist claim that the so-called Aktion Reinhardt Camps were transit camps for Jewish deportees on their way to the East. They challenge revisionists to show them one Jew, one single Jew, who was deported through any of those camps and survived. This paper presents evidence of thousands of Jews…

A Brief Overview of Revisionist Critiques of Yad Vashem’s Central Database of Shoah Victims’ Names

Abstract This paper introduces a series of revisionist papers scrutinizing the flawed approach with which the Israeli Holocaust Remembrance Museum Yad Vashem is collecting the names (and so, numbers) of Jews who are said to have died in “the Holocaust.” In addition, it gives a brief overview of what Yad Vashem is saying about it,…

Brief Note on “The Central Database of Shoah Victims’ Names” and the Number of Dead Reported therein

Abstract Inspired by another paper, this paper briefly probes the Yad Vashem database of Holocaust victims. It turns out that the database contains many names of survivors, and that individuals are listed in it twice or even numerous times. The article “How to increase the number of Holocaust deaths”[1] incontrovertibly exposes real and serious problems, but those…

How to Increase the Number of Deaths in the Holocaust

Abstract In 2013, Italian police forces raided the homes of numerous participants of the U.S. Stormfront blog. The background of this raid was a discussion about the veracity and reliability of entries in the victims’ database of the Israeli Yad Vashem Holocaust Remembrance Center, among other things. To verify these claims, Italian blogger Olodogma looked…

The Bankruptcy of Yad Vashem or How to Reach 6,000,000

Abstract In early 2005, Yad Vashem, the official Israeli institute charged with managing the memory of the extermination of the Jews by the Germans, made publicly accessible a database of victims of the Shoah. At that point, it contained approximately three million names of “Jews who perished in the Shoah.” The long-term goal is to…

How to Become a “Saint” and Get Canonized through Yad Vashem!

The March 19 issue of Olo­dogma contained an article titled « La catena di montaggio dei morti olocaustici, Magda Goebbels nel database dello Yad Vashem » (Holocaust death assembly line…. Magda Goebbels in the database of Yad Vashem Memorial) tells us about a masterminded hoax. The Italian daily Corriere della sera had called upon relatives…

New ‘Official’ Changes in the Auschwitz Story

Since the end of World War II, authoritative claims about the character and scope of killings at the Auschwitz concentration camp have changed drastically. One particularly striking change concerns the various “official” estimates of the number of victims – a number that since 1945 has been steadily declining. Fritjof Meyer Today, more than half a…

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