


Havel and “Ethnic Cleansing” In his Independence Hall speech (published in the Sept.-Oct. 1994 Journal), Vaclav Havel said that “the Creator gave man the right to liberty.” Does Mr. Havel live by those words? As President of the Czech Republic, he has deplored the forced expulsion of 3.5 million ethnic Germans from Czechoslovakia, and the…

Overcoming Germany’s Burdensome Past: The Heritage of Europe’s “Revolutionary Conservative Movement”

Following the aftermath of the cataclysmic defeat of Germany and her Axis partners in the Second World War, exhausted Europe came under the hegemony of the victorious Allied powers – above all the United States and Soviet Russia. Understandably, the social-political systems of the vanquished regimes – and especially that of Hitler's Third Reich –…

European New Right Study Warns Against Universalism and Egalitarianism

Against Democracy and Equality: The European New Right, by Tomislav Sunic. With preface by Paul Gottfried. New York: Peter Lang (62 W. 45th St., New York, NY 10036), 1990. Hardcover. 196 (+ xii) pages. Notes. Bibliography. $40. ISBN: 0-82041294-5. William Saunders is the pen name of a British-born specialist of international finance, economics and social…

Editorial Note

The last twelve months have been among the busiest ever at the IHR, with a staggering number of projects either completed or underway. A major project now in the “completed” column is the 12th Revisionist Conference, which took place over Labor Day weekend (September 3-5) here in southern California. Conferences are a major undertaking for…

On Conservatism, Liberalism, and History

(This sampling of Prof. Oliver's writing is taken from America's Decline, pages 1-4, 79-83, 182-183, 187-189, 190-191 and 212-213.) Conservatism Conservatism, when that word was first used in a political sense, correctly implied the maintenance of existing governmental and social institutions and their preservation from all undesirable innovation and substantial change. In Europe and the…


Corrective Power Richard Phillip's letter [in the May-June Journal, pp. 46-47] is an excellent illustration of the corrective power of historical revisionism. However, a few of his points require correction. German Chancellor Otto von Bismarck tried to appease France over the issue of Alsace-Lorraine, and nearly succeeded in reaching a reconciliation. It is not true…

From the Editor

Ten years ago – on the Fourth of July 1984 – unknown terrorists firebombed our office-warehouse complex in an attempt to destroy the Institute for Historical Review and forever silence The Journal of Historical Review. These criminals nearly succeeded. (For more about this, see The Zionist Terror Network, a 20-page booklet available from the IHR.)…

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