United States of America


Truth Tuesdays at UCLA

Because of space issues, these are very heavily edited notes from Zan Overall’s Truth Tuesdays on the steps of the Powell Library at UCLA. He’s been there for 17 Tuesdays as of this writing. Each Tuesday he talks—or “barks” as he has it—on the Holocaust, 9/11, and the “hate Whitey” movies such as the recent…

Fred Leuchter’s “Indiscretion”

At the present time, there are no “Holocaust denial” laws in the United States of America, although attempts have been repeatedly made behind the scenes by Jewish organizations and individuals to try and penalize “deniers” by various means. When one ventures into the arena of “Holocaust denial,” unpleasant consequences invariably ensue. Against those whose opinions…

Historical Revisionism and Popular Opinion

In 1966, Harry Elmer Barnes declared, “During the last 40 years, revisionism has become a controversial term.”[1] In the nearly 50 years since, “revisionism” has shifted from controversial to a purely negative term, at least in the eyes of the general public. Today “revisionism” has become synonymous with telling lies or distorting the truth with…

Ritual Defamation: A Contemporary Academic Example

The term ritual defamation was coined by Laird Wilcox to describe the destruction of the reputation of a person by unfair, wrongful, or malicious speech or publication. The defamation is in retaliation for opinions expressed by the victim, with the intention of silencing that person’s influence, and making an example of him so as to discourage…

Historical Revisionism and “Relativizing the Holocaust”

Whether the received wisdom on an historical event can be subjected to scholarly scrutiny depends upon the method by which the subject is utilized by entrenched interests. Hence, let the scholar or student who embarks on the questioning of certain sacred cows beware lest he be damned for heresy. This essay examines a polemical technique…

Bookburning in the Style of 2011

On Wednesday December 28th, Print-on-Demand publisher Lulu.com informed the staff at Inconvenient History that they had struck our two annual editions from availability. The so-called “Questionable Content team” briefly noted that our content was in violation of their membership agreement because it was “unlawful, obscene, defamatory, pornographic, indecent, lewd, harassing, threatening, harmful, invasive of privacy…

Relegation—A Formula for Blowback

Pre-emptive censorship is a nefarious but effective form of suppression that is as close as this issue’s editorial, in which Richard Widmann reports the peremptory expungement of Inconvenient History’s two bound annual books of our Website’s articles from the offerings of their erstwhile publisher, Lulu Publishing. Not only are our laboriously compiled books no longer…

Hollywood Conservative Unmasked as Notorious Holocaust Revisionist

By Rory Carroll in Los AngelesWriting for The Guardianhttp://tinyurl.com/cksga9w Friday 3 May 2013 22.15 BST To those who knew him, or thought they knew him, he was a cerebral, fun-loving gadfly who hosted boozy gatherings for Hollywood's political conservatives. David Stein brought right-wing congressmen, celebrities, writers and entertainment industry figures together for shindigs, closed to…

State Department Acknowledges Pressure on Lebanon to Cancel Revisionist Meeting

The State Department has finally acknowledged that the United States government pressured Lebanon to ban a peaceful four-day meeting that was to be held in Beirut in the spring of 2001. Gregg Sullivan, a spokesman for the Department’s Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs, confirmed during telephone conversations with IHR director Mark Weber on December 10…

Behind “An Eye for An Eye”

John Sack is one of America’s most eminent literary journalists. His reporting over more than half a century, from North and South America, Europe, Africa, and Asia, has appeared in such periodicals as Harper’s, The Atlantic, and The New Yorker. He has been a war correspondent in Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, and Yugoslavia, as well as…

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