Prosecution of Dissidents

The prosecution, by proper courts of law, of dissidents for their peaceful activities. Unless a report is on prosecution in general, it has been categorized in the subcategory of the country where the prosecution occurred.

French Court Fines Faurisson, Roques for “Holocaust Denial” Book

Concluding a dramatic trial that included stunning testimony by a leading Holocaust researcher, a Paris court in June ordered two French revisionists to pay fines of $3,000 each for writing and distributing a book that disputes claims of Second World War mass killings in German gas chambers. (A brief report on this case appeared in…

Charges Dropped Against Engineer for Scholarly Report Disputing Gassing Claims

In Austria, as in other European countries, the struggle for freedom of expression and historical truth continues – with victories as well as setbacks. In March 1992, a prominent Austrian engineer made headlines because he had written a detailed essay, “Holocaust: Belief and Facts,” that rejects key elements of the Holocaust gas chamber story. In…

French Court Fines Faurisson, Roques for Revisionist Book

For writing and distributing a book that disputes claims of mass killings in German gas chambers during World War II, two French revisionist scholars have been ordered by a Paris court to pay fines of $3,000 each. The offending 90-page book, written by Prof. Robert Faurisson, is entitled Reponse a Jean-Claude Pressac sur le problème…

Hans Schmidt Arrested in Germany

Hans Schmidt Hans Schmidt, a US citizen and German-American civil rights activist, was arrested by German police on August 9, 1995, in Frankfurt, and has been held in prison ever since because of a remark he made in an open letter sent from the United States to an official in Germany. The 68-year-old German-born retired…

Remer Seeks Asylum in Spain

With his wife, Anneliese, and a friend, the 82-year-old, wheelchair-bound Otto-Ernst Remer arrives in Spain on February 5, 1994. He fled his homeland to evade a 22-month prison sentence in Germany for the “thought crime” of “Holocaust denial.” He has applied for political asylum in Spain. To evade a 22-month jail sentence in Germany for…

Dissident Historical Views Banned in Germany

In a drawn-out case that has received considerable international press attention, a German court recently sentenced Günter Deckert, leader of a small nationalist political party, to two years' imprisonment for “denying the Holocaust.” A Karlsruhe regional court handed down the sentence on April 21, 1995, after Deckert had already been found guilty of “inciting racial…

Revisionist Books Seized in German Police Raid

In a March 27 raid of the Grabert publishing firm in Tübingen, Germany, criminal police seized all available copies of a new book of Holocaust revisionist scholarship. The banned work is a 400-page large-format anthology entitled Grundlagen zur Zeitgeschichte: Ein Handbuch fiber strittige Fragen des 20. Jahrhunderts (“Foundations of Contemporary History: A handbook on controversial…

Executive Fired for Translating “Journal” Items

Because she helped translate three reference articles published in The Journal of Historical Review, a long-time executive of the German National Tourist Office in New York has been dismissed. Michael Kranefeld, Regional Manager of the Office, announced on May 9 the immediate dismissal of its manager of sales promotions, Elke Berg, who is also the…

Irving Protests German Persecution of Holopaust Skeptics

As reported in the Jan.-Feb. 1995 Journal. one of France's most prestigious magazines, L'Express. now acknowledges that “everything is false” about the Auschwitz “gas chamber” that for decades has been shown to tens of thousands of tourists yearly. British historian David Irving has been fined 30,000 marks (about $21,000) by German courts for saying the…

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