Prosecution of Dissidents

The prosecution, by proper courts of law, of dissidents for their peaceful activities. Unless a report is on prosecution in general, it has been categorized in the subcategory of the country where the prosecution occurred.

Faurisson Convicted of Questioning Gas Chambers

“Thoughtcrime does not entail death: thoughtcrime IS death.”George Orwell On April 18, 1991 Professor Robert Faurisson was convicted of violating France's peculiar law against questioning “the existence of one or more crimes against humanity as defined by Article 6 of [the charter of] the International Military Tribunal, annexed to the London Agreement of August 8,…

German General Sentenced To Imprisonment

“Thoughtcrime does not entail death: thoughtcrime IS death.”George Orwell A German court has sentenced Otto-Ernst Remer, an 80-year-old retired army general, to 22 months imprisonment for publishing articles disputing wartime mass killings at Auschwitz in gas chambers. On October 22, 1992, a criminal court in Schweinfurt found Remer guilty of “popular incitement” and “incitement to…

Irving Fined 10,000 Marks

“Thoughtcrime does not entail death: thoughtcrime IS death.”George Orwell British historian David Irving was fined 10,000 marks ($6,000) by a German court May 5 for public statements denouncing stories of mass exterminations of Jews in gas chambers at Auschwitz as a myth. Munich district court judge Thomas Stelzner ruled that Irving was guilty of “disparaging…

German Publisher Raided

“Thoughtcrime does not entail death: thoughtcrime IS death.”George Orwell In a March 27 raid of the Grabert publishing firm in Tuebingen, Germany, criminal police seized all available copies of a new book of Holocaust revisionist scholarship. The banned work is a 400-page large-format anthology entitled Grundlagen zur Zeitgeschichte: Ein Handbuch über strittige Fragen des 20….

Austrian Revisionist Convicted

“Thoughtcrime does not entail death: thoughtcrime IS death.”George Orwell Austrian Revisionist publisher Gerd Honsik has been sentenced to 18 months imprisonment for 14 breaches of a law against “neo-Nazi” activities that makes it a crime to deny crimes allegedly committed by the Hitler regime. Honsik, 51, had written in his magazine “Halt!” that hydrocyanic gas…

Right to Reply

No “Right to Reply” (yet written in our law) was granted to me by the media when they discharged the worst lies against my book The Founding Myths of Israeli Politics. I was walled up in silence. Only Abbé Pierre dared raise his great voice. By enacting laws that limit freedom of expression, the French…

France Convicts Two for Distributing Leaflets

“Thoughtcrime does not entail death: thoughtcrime IS death.”George Orwell On April 10, the appeals court in Caen (Normandy) upheld convictions against Vincent Reynouard, a 23-year-old chemical engineer, and Remi Pontier, an information engineer, for distributing leaflets and stickers that question the existence of extermination gas chambers in Third Reich concentration camps. The two defendants were…

Police Raid Judge’s Home

“Thoughtcrime does not entail death: thoughtcrime IS death.”George Orwell Police raided the home of retired judge Wilhelm Stäglich on April 8th. Police were apparently looking for a German-language edition of a videotape featuring Professor Robert Faurisson entitled, The Problem of the Gas Chambers. Police were unable to find a copy of the prohibited videotape. Judge…

A Victory for the Revisionists?

The cover of the June 27-July 3 edition of L'Evénement du jeudi includes a picture of Abbe Pierre and has as its headline: “The Holocaust: a victory for the Revisionists.” Inside the journal some 10 pages are devoted to this story [p. 16-25]; as well, there are references to it appearing on pages 3, 5,…

French Investigate Garaudy for Holocaust Revisionism

“Thoughtcrime does not entail death: thoughtcrime IS death.”George Orwell A French magistrate launched a probe into French historian, Roger Garaudy on allegations that he illegally questioned established beliefs about the holocaust. Garaudy commented that he had “done nothing wrong'' in his work, The Founding Myths of Israeli Politics. This action is the latest in a…

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