(No) Freedom of Expression

There is the ideal of free speech, and then there is reality: censorship, persecution, and prosecution of dissidents.

EF #11: Censors, Oligarchs and Plutocrats with Alison Chabloz

British dissident Alison Chabloz onCensors, Oligarchs, and Plutocrats.  Alison Chabloz, talented singer songwriter and courageous fighter against the Holocau$t scam, talks in this video (Two hours) about Censors, Oligarchs, and Plutocrats. Alison shows herself not only to be a courageous lady, but possessing an incredible knowledge about the structure of the United Kingdom of Great…

The Skripal Faurisson Argument

The capacity of the media to poison seems infinitely superior to that of any chemical agent. In the Skripal case, the Western public does not even ask for proof of guilt, since suspicion alone is sufficient: 1 – Russia is the enemy of the neo-conservatives, so she is one of the bad guys. 2 – The…

Germany Proud of Persecuting Dissidents

Every year the German government proudly presents the numbers of peaceful dissidents it persecutes, which it lumps together with violent criminals as "enemies of the [German] constitution." Never mind that Germany doesn't even have a constitution… On July 18 of this year, the German government released the figures of government prosecutions for the year 2011…

Who Controls the Internet?

The case Taylor v. Twitter may determine the matter. A case with far-reaching implications for the rights of the public to internet access has been filed in San Francisco.  At stake is the public's right to say or see what they want versus the unrestricted power of internet corporations to refuse service to unpopular clients. Read more The…

Myths and Their Murderers: Lorenzo Valla and Arthur Butz

Throughout the Middle Ages and well into the Renaissance, respectable opinion held that Emperor Constantine had, sometime early in the Fourth Century AD, given his sovereignty over Rome and much of Italy to the Christian Pope of his day, Sylvanus, with the intent that this sovereignty should devolve, as time went on, to pope after…

Censorship with a Capital “C”

Censorship can take many forms. There’s the government censorship we associate with socialist regimes (a notable exception being Israel, which has been under military censorship for its entire existence). Take Cuba, for instance, which exercises tight control over the access its citizens have to the internet. We are encouraged to attribute this restriction to the…

In the Front Lines

In 2016, CODOH lost its key member and founder. Bradley R. Smith, ironically on his birthday, Feb 18, in the morning after battling with cancer for nearly eight years, died. He was a unique collaborator, and revisionist; in fact, during much of his life he directed CODOH and made the big decisions as to where…

Dolores Umbridge Visits the US

The most determined assault on Internet freedom of speech in the English-speaking world is underway in the UK, led by Prime Minister Theresa May and her Home Secretary Amber Rudd.   "Governments and technology companies can make the internet a safer place by collaborating to prevent the circulation of terrorist propaganda," Amber Rudd has said. The Home Secretary made…

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