(No) Freedom of Expression

There is the ideal of free speech, and then there is reality: censorship, persecution, and prosecution of dissidents.

Gilad Atzmon rencontre Robert Faurisson 2014 / English

Professor Robert Faurisson, considered the father of "modern revisionism" meets in Vichy, France with formerly Jewish activist and musician Gilad Atzmon. A must-see documentary. In this video (One hour 8 minutes), Gilad meets and speaks with Professor Robert Faurisson in 2014. Professor Robert Faurisson (1929 – 2018) was a French University Professor, specialising in the study of documents….

Implication of the Prosecution’s Case Is That Truths Could Be Illegal

[AC: Many thanks to Robert Henderson for this account of last week’s Trial Part 1. Robert is no stranger to the negative effects of the UK’s speech laws. For more information, check out his blogs in the links below.] The trial of Alison Chabloz day 1 – 10 1 2018 Presiding: District Judge John Zani…

Britons Awake! This Trial Isn’t about Me, It’s about All of Us

  They came from far and wide in defiance of this latest assault on our freedoms. From Lancashire, Liverpool, Scotland and all the way from Canada – thank you Mr Fromm! The media coverage was glorious – mostly down to so many turning up in support, me being handed flowers outside court and general media…

Memorabilia: Fighting Internet Censorship

The internet has become a powerful tool for information, free speech and exchange of ideas. Years ago in this chat, Ernst Zundel and Bernard Klatt, very much ahead of their time, were already anticipating censorship of the World Wide Web. Ernst Zundel talks to Bernard Klatt about the attacks on Free Speech by Jewish Supremacists in British Columbia. The Zionists…

Memorabilia: The Holocaust as Political Weapon against the Germans

Horst Mahler talks about the usage of the Holocaust not only as a historical event but as blackmailing weapon against the German People  and quite a brainwashing machine for the rest of the world. Horst (born 23 January 1936) was a left wing political activist. He founded the Red Army Faction, which undertook a number…

Facebook Removes Kadyrov Pages

Jennifer Stisa Granick, Staff Attorney American Civil Liberties Union Speech, Privacy and Technology project.   Dear Ms. Granick, We thank you for your comments quoted in the New York Times, December 29, regarding Facebook’s removal of the accounts of Chechen Republic leader Ramzan Kadyrov. Mr. Kadyrov’s accounts were taken down without notice or explanation on December 23.  Kadyrov had 4,000,000…

Memorabilia: David Irving at the University of Alabama

British historian David Irving talking at the University of Alabama. David talks at the University of Alabama at Huntsville. In this incredible video (one hour two minutes) David speaks at length, about history and real history – as David points out so much of history is just rehashed propaganda, while some historians – not very many,…

Letter to Heiko

Dear Minister Maas, You have been widely quoted as saying that more emphasis should be placed on the Holocaust in integration courses for migrants. We at the Committee for an Open Debate on the Holocaust agree with you. We also hope you agree with us that whatever is taught to migrants should be as accurate as possible,…

Censorship by Classification

It has long been noted—and proven—that supporters of the Holocaust hoax occupy positions that they use to disseminate Holocaust disinformation in government, the media, art, literature, and … libraries. Yes, there, too. Their methods entail two prongs of attack: first, of course, to repeat (and repeat, and repeat) the dogma that has dominated at least…

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