
Holocaust revisionism is the Western World’s biggest taboo. Hence there is an almost complete blackout about revisionism, except when it comes to maligning revisionists and misrepresenting their views. Hence, reaching out to the misinformed public is of primary importance. This part of our website deals with our various efforts to break through the walls of silence.

CODOH-linked Student Revisionist Website at Washington State U Sets Campus on Its Ear

To date, CODOH has influenced campuses across America chiefly from the outside—by placing advertisements in college newspapers. That’s beginning to change, however, as university students—with the help of CODOH and other revisionist outfits—start to think for themselves, and then to act on their convictions. During the past year Washington State University senior Lawrence Pauling has…


A tear sheet from the Georgia State Signal informs me that our ad drawing attention to the fake gas chamber door at the USHMM had begun its once-a-week run. Regina Roberts of the Atlanta Journal Constitution calls my upstairs office here in Baja. Outside a wild storm is raging. The electricity goes off, comes on,…

Internet Roundup

Twenty years ago, James J. Martin, considered by many to be the dean of living revisionist historians, wrote The Saga of Hog Island and Other Essays in Inconvenient History. This revisionist classic brought to light suppressed stories of the Second World War, including the Pearl Harbor cover-up, the Allied rehabilitation of the Mafia after its…


It’s the first week in December and the fallout from the Campus Project is cascading down all around me. Who was the little guy who used to worry that the sky might fall? There is so much media from campus and off-campus that I have to admit I am unable to stay on top of…


When I decided, when I was forced to admit, that I could not continue to meet my expenses living a rather normal life in Visalia, and continue to do revisionism too, and that if I were going to continue with revisionism the one choice I had, in the context of my life, was to move…

“Watchdog” Barks a Grudging Tribute to CODOH’s Growing Internet Outreach

The Anti-Defamation League, through the medium of a lengthy attack in its latest scare screed, High-Tech Hate, has inadvertently underlined the growing power of the Committee for Open Debate of the Holocaust’s site on the World Wide Web, CODOHWeb. Published just in time for Halloween, its cover a mosaic of strong blacks and oranges and…


The fact that we are living in Mexico is still sinking in on SR readers, and on us. One reader writes: “This move to Mexico is a serious mistake. A very serious mistake. You are too vulnerable down there. There are too many people who would like to get at you. They can wipe out…

Internet Roundup

The great war theoretician Sun Tzu declared, “Speed is the essence of war.” Today it would be fair to paraphrase Sun Tzu and write, “Speed is the essence of the Internet.” Comparisons of the Internet to “super highways” abound in today’s news media. What is the point of such metaphors? Clearly, the intention is to…

Revisionism on the Internet As featured on CODOHWeb

Revisionism on the Internet—This handsome, durable, spiral-bound “journal” presents a cross-section of the materials that are making CODOHWeb a world-wide force for the truth that underlies history’s greatest taboo. As described in the previous issue of SR, Revisionism on the Internet contains exiled German chemist Germar Rudolf s analysis of German Establishment scholar W. A….

High Court Lights Up a Glorious Fourth for Revisionists at Home

It was a pre-Fourth of July gift for Americans, and for Holocaust revisionism-hungry folks around the world. On June 26, the Supreme Court of the United States struck down President Bill Clinton’s and the Republican-controlled Congress’s Communications Decency Act (CDA). In its landmark decision, the nation’s highest court ruled that the law violated Americans’ First…

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