

The First Casualty

Ten years following the cessation of the First World War, Arthur Ponsonby, a member of British Parliament published his ground-breaking study, Falsehood in War-Time: Containing an Assortment of Lies Circulated Throughout the Nations’ During the Great War. Ponsonby’s book begins with several quotes, the most well-remembered being “When war is declared, truth is the first…

A Lucky Child

A Lucky Child, by Thomas Buergenthal, Profile Books, London; 2009, 231pp. The sad story of Holocaust ‘witnesses’ is well-known to revisionists. It is a tale of obscure individuals making outrageous claims of gassings and mass murder, often based on hearsay and rumor, often self-contradictory, and often in conflict with other witnesses, with material evidence, and…

The Holocaust in Holograms

A minor flurry of news items has attended the announcement that certain purported veterans of German-enabled mistreatment of Jews during World War II are being recorded “in three dimensions” as they recount tales of the suffering endured by them and others they knew and heard about. Condemnation of Germans, Nazis, and other familiar villains of…

The Issue of Motivation in Different Views of the Holocaust

Ingrid Rimland Zündel re-counts an experience from her early days as a revisionist as an interviewee on a television program called The Learning Channel. “My stunningly beautiful anchor leaned forward, pulled her face into the ugliest visage of hatred I have ever had the displeasure to see, and literally hissed at me: ‘Are you a…

Anne Frank and the New York Times

Edward Rothsteinc/o New York TimesNew York Cityhttps://twitter.com/EdRothstein 07 November 2013 I am writing to comment on your article “Playing Cat and Mouse with Searing History,” addressing the new Anne Frank exhibit at the Los Angeles Museum of Tolerance. http://tinyurl.com/kauo33a While Anne Frank’s story is tragic, you ignore the manner of death of the eight people who…

The Unamerican: Dov Hikind

A malign foreign influence is again abroad in America—one of such insidious force and menace that it calls for dusting off a hoary pejorative that has been little heard since the days of the doughty senator from Wisconsin, Joseph P. McCarthy. That label is a resoundingly descriptive one: Unamerican! It doesn’t quite mean anti-American, nor is…

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