

Fragments: Another Ordinary Life

*** When the Occupy Wall Street movement burst onto the television screens last September I was sympathetic with the outrage and contempt that was being expressed for the greed that is so evident in the “one” percent of American culture. At the same time there was no evident plan to do anything other than protest…

Deborah Lipstadt Blasts “Holocaust-abuse” by U.S., Israeli Politicians

This Holocaust revisionist has a confession to make, and it’s worse than anything to which Bradley Smith confessed in his best-selling (?) Confessions of a Holocaust Revisionist: I have become a grudging admirer of Deborah Lipstadt. Yes, the Deborah Lipstadt who in 2001 with the able assistance of her publisher Penguin-Putnam defended successfully against the…

Who Will Stop the Crazy Nazi Ham-Radio Operator?

…cry the headlines of newspapers in Switzerland. The reason: Marcel Sauder, a farmer from Thurgau, is accused of having denied the "holocaust" on ham radio, having said: "The Holocaust never happened; at most a few tens of thousands of Jews died during World War II." Four years ago, the 44-year-old operator who calls himself "Fuchs" (fox)…

Free the Artist – Jail the Judge

Michael Hoffman posted an interesting blog on All Saints Day regarding the sentencing of Irish artist Dermot Mulqueen. Mr. Mulqueen was sentenced to five months in jail for giving a lunchtime public performance on January 23rd 2015 where he put an axe through a TV at the Daniel O’Connell monument in Ennis town center. No…

Copying Heinz Bartesch’s letter to Peter Black, Senior Historian at USHMM

Peter Black, Senior HistorianUS Holocaust Memorial MuseumWashington D.C.E-mail: [email protected]Tel: 202.479.9728 Dear Professor Black: Below you will find a letter by Heinz Bartesch, the son of Martin Bartesch, who you referred to in the talk you gave at Rhode Island College, as reported in the RIC Anchor of 27 March. Mr. Bartesch questions your facts and…

Revisionist Activities

Jim Rizoli has created two more documentaries of “Extraordinary Revisionists.” They feature “revisionist powerhouse” Germar Rudolf (Toben’s words) in an interview in early November lasting some two hours, which was conducted in his home in Pennsylvania (http://youtu.be/7lQIn-i-wL4), and Dr. Fredrick Toben from Australia in a Skype interview (some 100 min; http://youtu.be/2ttSY5qpZWk) Rizolie also interview John…

The Worst Generation

We in the West, particularly in the English-speaking areas most-exposed to the maunderings of Tom Brokaw,[1] have heard much about “the greatest generation,” the cohort of Americans (and perhaps British, French and maybe even Soviet, in about that order) who grew up during the Great Depression and went on (at least, some of them, mostly…

Religion, Mysticism and the Myth of the “Occult Reich”

There’s nothing quite like the sensationalism of combining Nazism with black magic to ensure attention for an author. Since Hitler’s National Socialism has been regarded as “the ultimate in evil,” linking Hitlerism with black magic and Satanism is a logical development. It could be contended that the sensationalism of the dime novel, pop history, and…

The Great War Retold

These are boom times for histories of World War I. Like its sequel, though to a lesser degree, it seems to be the war that never ends. Works keep appearing on issues once considered settled, such as the “Belgian atrocities” and the reputation of commanders like Douglas Haig. Last year, Cambridge published a collection of…

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