

The Anti-Hitler Underground within the German Conservative Revolution

In recent years more has become known about the anti-Hitler underground acting within German conservative and military circles. The book Secret Germany by Baigent and Leigh went a long way to popularize the events surrounding “Operation Valkyrie,” the assassination plot against Hitler.[1] The character of Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg, perhaps the most well-known figure in…

In Seventy Years, No Forensic Study Proving the Existence and Operation of the “Nazi Gas Chambers”!

In tribute to Professor Ben Zion Dinur (1884-1973), founder of Yad Vashem in 1953, forced to resign in 1959 for having preferred scientific History to Jewish Memory (as explained in my article in French of June 15, 2006).[1] For the most commonplace murder, the judicial authority, happily enough, is never satisfied with “testimonies” but demands,…

CODOH Ad Runs in 35 College Papers!

The CODOH advertisement challenging the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum to display proof that homicidal gassing chambers existed anywhere in Europe during World War II has appeared in at least 35 campus newspapers this academic year. We had no way to know in the fall that we would be so successful. Here are the campuses where…

Demjanjuk Innocent!

The highest Israeli court finds there is not enough evidence to prove that he is Ivan the Terrible. On TV, Demjanjuk looks fine. A working class male. Your typical yuppie Playboy peruser never would have made it. I'm happy for Demjanjuk and for his family. I've always feared that he would never get out of…

David McCalden Archival Materials

In the last issue of SR I asked what you thought about making McCalden's papers available to the public, noting that in his writing he was often wrong and cruel. With the exception of a handful of you, all who responded suggested that the materials should be made available to all those who are doing…

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