Title page TR 1/2004

Volume 2 · 2004

Between early 2003 and early 2005, The Revisionist was edited and published by Germar Rudolf. He was working on the second issue of the year 2005 when he was arrested by the U.S. authorities and subsequently deport to Germany (see his website for more info). Hence this magazine suddenly ceased to exist.

Click on the individual issue number for a list of that number’s articles.


Robert Faurisson – A Long View

Great men do not need praise as much as they need an understanding of what they have done. I believe I have known Robert Faurisson longer than any other person currently active in 'Holocaust' revisionism, except for one relative of his, so it is incumbent on me to attempt to provide a long view of…

Typhus – The Phantom Disease

Of the numerous eyewitness reports on the concentration camps and alleged extermination sites of the Third Reich, one often finds reports by former inmates describing atrocities committed by SS personnel while these witnesses were hospitalised in the camp's hospitals due to a severe typhus infection. The best known example may be that of Jacob Freimark…

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