Revisionist Personalities

(Auto)biographic accounts of revisionist authors, usually related to their revisionist endeavors, leading to various kinds of persecutorial measures. This is not a list of authors of contributions posted on this site. For this see the “Authors” entry in the “Search the library” widget in the left sidebar.

Confessions of a Holocaust Revisionist

Confessions of a Holocaust Revisionist by Bradley R. Smith. Los Angeles: Prima Facie, 1987, 118 pages + (vi), $11.95 Hb (ISBN 0-943415-00-4), $6.95 Pb (ISBN 0-943415-00-4). When you see a title starting with the word Confessions nowadays, it's usually safe to assume that some sort of parody is being undertaken. The moral earnestness and the…

Irving on Churchill

World-class historian David Irving is no stranger to readers of the JHR. His address to the 1983 Intemational Revisionist Conference, which appeared in the Winter 1984 Journal of Historical Review (“On Contemporary History and Historiography”), was something of a primer on Irving's Revisionist historiographical method. It was spiced as well with tantalizing hints of new…

Response to a Paper Historian

Introduction Pierre Vidal-Naquet is professor at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (School of Higher Studies in the Social Sciences) in Paris and has been a very determined adversary of mine. He has attacked me in the academic and journalistic worlds and even in the courts. Along with Léon Poliakov, he is the…

West German Court Rejects Judge Stäglich’s Appeal

While an officer in a German anti-aircraft unit in 1944, Wilhelm Stäglich was for several months stationed in the vicinity of the Auschwitz concentration camp. The postwar doubts he expressed about alleged mass exterminations carried out at Auschwitz have led to twenty years of disciplinary proceedings, including his early retirement from the judiciary with a…

Percy L. Greaves, Jr., 1906-1984

Veteran Pearl Harbor revisionist and IHR Editorial Advisory Committee member Percy L. Greaves, Jr., died of cancer on 13 August 1984, 11 days short of what would have been his 78th birthday. A highlight of Mr. Greaves’s long and distinguished career in both the private and public sectors was his service as Chief of Minority…

A Challenge to David Irving

At the time of the fifth international Revisionist Conference sponsored by the Institute for Historical Review, held in Los Angeles on 3–5 September 1983, I had the pleasure of meeting David Irving for the first time. Unfortunately, our meeting was too short. We had a brief conversation, and then I listened to his presentation. At…

Austin T. App, 1902-1984

One of the titanic figures of postwar revisionist historiography, Professor Austin J. App, died of kidney failure on 4 May 1984. A well-established author and scholar of English literature at the outbreak of World War II, Dr. App was soon appalled at the human suffering and political disaster caused by that “unnecessary conflict,” and for…

In Memoriam: Ranjan Borra

Historian, scholar, and journalist Ranjan Borra passed away on 13 February 1984 in Washington D.C. following a heart attack. He was 62. Borra was born in Howrab, near Calcutta, in the Bengal province of India. He worked for All-India radio before moving to the United States in the 1950s. He was employed in Washington as…

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