Crimes (non-Holocaust)

War crimes committed, distorted, exaggerated, or merely imagined. This does not cover the “Holocaust,” as it is not a war crime as such: the victims were not attacked during acts of warfare and as part of any identifiable belligerent nation.

The Malmédy Massacre and Trial

In 1977, I received a newspaper clipping from a reader of my Own publication, The Military Journal. The clipping contained an interview with Paul Martin, a survivor of the so-called “Malmédy Massacre,” and had apparently been published on the previous anniversary of the incident. Martin's comments are quite interesting. It is readily apparent that he…

Bombs on Britain

16 March 1981 PBS Television“The Blitz” Sirs: Rarely have I come across a television broadcast more vicious in intent and more warped in execution than your recent “Blitz on Britain.” As a survivor of the mass air raid executed against my native city of Prague, Bohemia, on the Christian Holy Day of Palm Sunday, 1945,…

The Burning of Saint Malo

In August 1944 the historic walled city of Saint Malo, the brightest jewel of the Emerald Coast of Brittany, France, was almost totally destroyed by fire. This should not have happened. If the attacking U.S. forces had not believed a false report that there were thousands of Germans within the city it might have been…

Yalta: Fact or Fate? A Brief Characterization

President François Mitterand of France, in a message at the start of 1982, rightly and roundly condemned the Conference of Yalta. France, excluded from the tete-a-tete of the Big Three World Conquerors on 4-12 February 1945, thus once again has challenged the Western nations not to recognize the judgments and the boundaries there agreed upon…

The Other Holocaust: Many Circles Of Hell

The Other Holocaust: Many Circles Of Hell, by Bohdan Wytwycky, Novak, 1980, 918 F Street NW #410, Washington, DC 20004, 96pp, paperback. ISBN: 9991651950. The inevitable has happened. Exterminationist circles are viciously divided as to “whose Holocaust is it anyway?” This Ukrainian author has sought to hitch a ride on the Holocaust gravy-train, by addressing…

Khatyn – Another Hoax

History, even current history, is full of lies. But largely because these falsehoods appear in printed form they are believed by many many people, and it is for this reason that the Institute for Historical Review is so vital. One such hoax is that of Khatyn – as opposed to Katyn. On 3 July 1974…

The Crime of Moscow in Vynnytsia

The Crime Of Moscow In Vynnytsia, Introduction by John F. Stewart, Preface by Lewis Brandon, Institute for Historical Review, 1980, 48 pp. paperback, $3.00 from IHR. ISBN: 0-911038-90-6. In 1943 the German occupation authorities in Ukraine discovered the bodies of 9,439 victims of the Soviet NKVD. The victims were all Ukrainian dissidents, who had been…

Death From On High

Bomber Command: The Myths and Reality of the Strategic Bombing Offensive 1939–45 by Max Hastings. New York, The Dial Press/James Wade, 1979. 469 pp with Notes, Appendices, Illustrations, Bibliography, Index. ISBN: 0-8037-0154-X. One of the most controversial campaigns of the Second World War was the bombing offensive against Germany. British, and to a lesser extent…

The Cruelest Night

The Cruelest Night, by Christopher Dobson, John Miller & Ronald Payne; Little Brown, Boston, 224pp, hardback, available from IHR at $11.00. ISBN: 0-316-18920-0. In the March 1980 issue of Encounter, a “neo-conservative” journal edited by “ex-Trotskyists” (see “Nuremberg and Other War Crimes Trials,” IHR No. 306, pp. 10–11) an Australian academic lambastes John Bennett, the…

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