Fred Leuchter Takes on the Holocaust (Z polskimi napisami.)
Fred Leuchter Takes on the Holocaust. (Z polskimi napisami.)
David Cole, a brave Jew who fights the the "Holocau$t" lie narrates this story (10 minutes) about the story of Fred Leuchter. Fred Leuchter went to Birkenau to investigate "gas chambers". Fred is a expert on US "gas chambers" (used in many states of the USA) and other execution technology. Fred was amazed to find that not only there was no "gas chambers" at Auschwitz II [NOTE: Birkenau], that there no "gas chambers" at Auschwitz II existed there , and there could never have been any "gas chambers" at Auschwitz II. Fred took samples from the walls of the alleged "gas chambers" to be subject by a chemical analysis. The laboratory undertook the testing of the samples and found NO evidence of Cyanide Gas (HCN). However as soon as it became known that Fred Leuchter had written a report that there was no "gas chambers" at Auschwitz II, all hell broke loose. The chemist who had tested the samples (James Roth, a Jew) was either forced or willingly changed his story. He said that the Cyanide Gas could not penetrate the walls. David shows that the outside walls of delousing chambers at Auschwitz II had turned blue – showing that Roth was a liar. Fred was subject to extreme attacks by the "gas chamber" liars and dragged through the courts on spurious charges. To this date, the Holocau$t" atrocity liars have NEVER produced any execution engineer to rebutt or even dispute Fred's findings.
Fred went go to investigate "homocidal gas chambers" at other camps and found them to be equally bogus.
Fred's reports (Holocau$t Handbooks Volume 16) are available from this site.
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